Russia December 6th, 2015 Day 11


December 6th, 2015

Day 11

The believers are in great expectations for the services today; the only two services we have here in Brother Sergey’s church in Moscow. The Minister’s meetings were finished yesterday and most of the brothers have already left to go back to their home churches, but some stayed back for the services today.

The piano playerDSC_1627 is creating such a sweet atmosphere before the song service, and it covers the congregation like a warm blanket while the song leader, Brother Roman, is leading songs in the Russian language. Every language has a certain characteristic, Russian is a mixture of happiness and heaviness, absoluteness and it can be very dramatic and expressive, which, of course, reflects also in the music.

It’s a very special day for a young couple today; Brother Elijah Gavkaliuk from Moscow and Sister Lilit Gasparian from Brother Vladimir’s church in Donetsk/Ukraine, celebrate their betrothal.DSC_1625

Brother Vin: ‘I am so happy to see some of the familiar faces, the sparkling in their eyes, the growth, although they got a little older, you just remember them like in the early days. I longed to be here with Brother Sergey. Everything that is happening has meaning, God who prearranged of all this…it’ beautiful to have a betrothal today, because marriage is a type of Christ and the church. One of the meanings of the betrothal is to ‘woo a virgin, a bride.’










Brother Vin now relates to the story where Brother Branham talks about the rancher’s son from Chicago.

‘He was looking for character. She was a little nobody in her own sight, she didn’t even want to look at him. Then he began to make known to her why he came, and she got all the revelation, and he began to tell her about the country he came from. And that happened today to us.DSC_1683


In every marriage it takes three, the two people and God.





When God is joining two people, they come from the same source and so it’s wonderful today in this hour of restoration, when the Word has come back to us. God has taken us out of organization, washing us by the water of the Word, bringing us to a thinking man’s filter that we don’t lean on our own understanding, but on the original Word; the Word from the beginning; and not just preaching, but God revealed that Word to the prophet and then He vindicated that Word, so faith has a true resting place; it becomes an Absolute. God’s unfailing Word of promise. And that’s a great thing.DSC_1684

Betrothal also means ‘promised, to marry at the appointed time.’ A man’s faith doesn’t trust in the beauty of the woman or the woman’s faith doesn’t trust in the elegance of the man, but the loyalty of the vow.


Coming from a sincere heart, coming from a heart that God has witnessed to the person ‘this is your wife.’

DSC_1688When it’s revealed by God then you have confidence. That’s why people take a vow, for better or for worst, in sickness or in health, in riches or poverty, till death will us part. The only thing that looses us from this is death.


Marriage is in three stages: Courtship, betrothal and marriage. Two people have been attracted to each other, their feelings become mutual, because God is drawing them together and witness in the relationship, and faith rises in their hearts, that they can see it’s the Lord moving them. And this produces agreement. Two cannot walk together unless they are agreed. It’s not just a verbal agreement, because to agree it takes two of the same kind. Fellowship is two of the same specie; light with light, not unequally yoked. And when this agreement comes, it’s an agreement with one another and with the Word of God.

Marriage is a mystery of Christ and the church, and the devil so hates this; he fought it from the beginning; he ruined the first marriage. But in this hour God has a bride, who will be a perfect bride, this one stands the test, she is bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh, virtue of His virtue. It’s a wonderful thing what God has done, and we have things like this in the assembly, young men and young women in time and season who make a step like this, who have scriptural teaching. These are evil days. The marriage is so degraded, that satan has his own marriage. Satan hates this. But God in this generation appoints people, young men and young women, who will stand as a testimony in the midst of all this perversion in satan’s eden, who displays true union, true marriage, true relationship.’

DSC_1689In his prayer Brother Vin notes, that to date 50 years ago, Brother Branham preached Modern Events Made Clear By Vindicated Prophecy.




After prayer for the two young people, the Bride’s mother, Sister Gasparian, sings a beautiful song, glorifying God in the Armenian language, and it brings such a presence of God.










The Title of the service is

The Long Awaited Restoration Of The Wheat Seed Bride.

Brother Vin reads from Joel 2: 23-28DSC_1672

The final interpretation of the Word is you, showing that you are the heirs of the promise.

You heard the Message, you saw the prophet, the influence of that Word separated you from the system. His objective was not only to call you out of Egypt. Redemption has two parts: out of and into. They came out believing, loved the signs of the prophet, seeing the supernatural cloud, the pillar of fire, they knew Jannes and Jambres were impersonators. The prophet was vindicated, but when the time came to take the promise and to fight for the land, they got discouraged.

And God had to circumcise them and the Captain came down and was going to reveal to them the strategy, how to fight and how to possess and live in the land. We have had the first part, but now we must move into the second part.You were not called to warm a bench but to understand the promise, to come into union, live under divine leadership.


You have to see yourself. That’s the promise. You want to see the promise identified in you, because you have purposed in your heart, that you are a believer of the message and the seed of God is in you. And you take a stand ‘I will live for God and make myself available to Him, so He can come and bring to pass what He has said.’

Ephesians parallels Joshua; in Ephesians we are back in the land of our fathers, restoration, going under the headship of the Captain. We saw the Head in this day; the Headship coming to the Body. What gives faith? Knowing your position, what God has given you.

You are in a great church under a great ministry; this is God’s love gift to you, giving you a great servant. Believe on him that God has sent. I was here in the early days in the old building, then it had in a next season another pastor. And I come back this time, everything is stable for years. Why? You recognized the gift. You rally around him.

The prophet said, that the hardest thing for a man is to believe another man.

The people were sceptical, but when they could believe… when Martha and Mary believed, they saw the resurrection; in the Book of Acts people had faith to walk in Peter’s shadow. They broke through their carnality, their scepticism, through their shallowness and they came a little higher to recognize God’s plan for the hour. Then the Spirit of God has free course among the people. Everybody in the church will see the anointing of the the Spirit. Christ in the true church is the continuation of the Book of Acts. Faith is operating the Word. A person cannot sit down for five years to find out if something is of God. Pray for discernment. That’s right. You could tell right from wrong, discerning the Spirit, the body of the Lord.










God did not raise up churches to come for a service on a Sunday, but to be a living organism, that He can work through. Everywhere you go there is a witness, a testimony of a true witness. I have seen the Lord. He is abiding in me, He has quickened me. That’s a reality, but not just coming to church.

I want you to recognize what God has given. What a time we have to recognize what you are called unto. You believe your ministers, God-sent men. This is the time when churches and ministers’ eyes have not seen, the invisible, ears have not heard, the inaudible and neither have it entered into the heart, that’s the inconceivable. The man in the humanistic realm, he is kind of wondering. God showed Brother Branham things he never knew or understood. God is carrying us into immortality while we are alive, what no age ever had. Recognize what we are called to sit under. Recognize Your Day And Your Message!


You have to have the right concept of what you are looking for. We have a Word how to prepare for great translation faith.

 You could see four seeds in an apple but can you see how many apples are in one seed?

We have to get in the realm of faith. Faith is far greater than wisdom, more specific. When faith brings those things up to you, faith brings you to another level.

If the Message is not turned to the right angle, you cannot see it as God wants you to see it. It has a right angle. Just like the cloud, and when he turned the cloud, he saw it right. It was always there.


Our terrestrial body has a life in it that is not from our father and mother and when the Holy Spirit quickens you, you find out that you are an attribute of God. And so in this hour, this is the restoration of all things. You are called to walk in the realm of faith. This is an age where we come from a partial realization to a full realization. The Message is designed to take away the amnesia and you shall know as you were known. And you begin to know you were in Christ.

Before you we formed in your mother’s womb…..

Romans 8:30

Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

We were seeing through a glass darkly, but now we polish it with the revealed Word, and see who we are.












The next service begins at 3:30 p.m. and Brother Vin with Brother Denis interpreting is continuing in the same vein like this morning and titles the service

Restoration By Enforcement

The Scripture reading is from Exodus 22:1-5DSC_1725

Everything we once had is made available to us. You can make claims for those things. You see your name in the deed; it means you are heirs of the promises. If you recognize that you are part of the bride and you see yourself identified in the Scripture you can ask for it, believing that you received it and you can praise God. You say, ‘satan, give it up.’DSC_1715

God is seeing this evening what the enemy is doing. God still sees and hears. He has descended from Heaven, He came down to us, His people. This morning I was showing you in Matthew 17 ‘Elijah is restoring all things;’ it means something that belonged to us, something we had before. In Joel 2 we read ‘And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm.’ It went away from you; I will restore it; I will give you all the years. And when this is accumulated together, the floors will be so full of wheat, the vats shall overflow. Restoration comes at the end of the seventh age.DSC_1712



Look what we had. We have to sit sometimes and think. In one service you had twenty discernments of different people. Each one was being told ten or twelve things, everything about them. You can’t find that amount in the Bible. We have not stopped to examen and see what we are walking in in reality. He lived in that forth dimension, that world was opening up to him. God restoring and showing an end time church what is available in this hour. And some people are dying, who cannot move into faith, shaken in mind and troubled in spirit. But all of this is available. We need to know how to access it. He preached Key To The Door, something was locked up. Everything is available. God was above us, then with us, but now in us; this is available to us. And the Holy Spirit is here to give us the faith to believe it.DSC_1732

You have been walking in the light for many years, He has kept you. He called us the elect, and if it was possible, the elect could be deceived, but they can’t. He sent Elijah and he uncovered the scheme of the enemy. ‘I show you what belongs to you and I myself are the captain, the headship, to lead you in the possession of it.’DSC_1727DSC_1733

The promise is made to Abraham and his seed after him. Abraham and Branham is parallel. We are Abraham’s faith children by being in Christ. Melchizedek came to Abraham and to Branham. Its the same one that came to us. This Melchizedek gave Abraham the natural bread and wine, but to us the real bread and wine. The same one, the Word in theophany, Melchizedek came to Abraham, the one looking for the promised son. We are in the Abrahamic age. Abraham had seven letters, Branham had seven letters. In a day like sodom…

Genesis 20:1-18

[1] And Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country, and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar. [2] And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah. [3] But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, the first dream recorded in the Bible and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man’s wife. [4] But Abimelech had not come near her: he had the plan to make her his, but he didn’t come to the place yet. God intercepted. It was like the Lutheran age. At the end of the Pentecostal age, Genesis 17, God came to Abraham, discerning the heart of Sarah and Abraham called Him the judge of all the earth. And the cry of Sodom was come up to God. This year the United States had the White House in the gay emblems and glorifying same sex marriage. And Putin said ‘What is the matter, it’s supposed to be a Christian nation.’ And here between the revealing of the Son of Man and the coming of the promised son, Isaac, Genesis 21, between that time Sarah is being changed from glory unto glory. When Abimelech sees her, and she is beautiful, but the promised son is not there yet. And he tries to take her. What time are we living in? The sign, discerning the heart, the voice, ‘Shall I hide from Abraham? He is about to burn Sodom and Gomorrah, a time of the investigation judgement ‘I come down to see, because the cries of Sodom are come up Genesis 18. She received strength, power to receive seed.DSC_1737


And here she is, God had brought certain changes in the bride body. And the bride begins to see signs in the Body. Not just in the heavens, but she could look in the members of the body and see life signs.


And she is so beautiful. She is different to all other denominational woman. Who can compare with the bride? Sarah wasn’t the concubine. Hagar is Mount Sinai; but Sarah is Mount Zion. Sarah was the married wife, Hagar’s children are in bondage. No church that is not the married church can bring forth free children. She is in bondage with her children. We are bought with a price with the incorruptible seed, a true birth, and we have the identification, the life.










Continuation of Scripture: and he said, Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous nation? God is threatening an evil nation. Watch when they try to touch the bride, or the 144.000. Naomi and Ruth are the only two promised in this hour to have the Holy Spirit. Let us see our protection, understand this restoration, see the enforcement here.

[5] Said he not unto me, She is my sister? and she, even she herself said, He is my brother: in the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have I done this. [6] And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: he is trying to tell God his innocency, but God told him, who gave you the integrity of your heart? For one woman he would have killed the whole kingdom. therefore suffered I thee not to touch her. [7] Now therefore restore this is the first time the word ‘restore’ appears in the Bible the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live: and if thou restore her not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou, and all that are thine. [14] And Abimelech took sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and women servants, and gave them unto Abraham, and restored him Sarah his wife. [17] So Abraham prayed unto God: and God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his maidservants; and they bare children . [18] For the Lord had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah Abraham’s wife. Woe unto the principalities and powers, that try to move this bride out of position. What do you think Sarah was doing? She knew God cannot abandon His program. God wants to raise the level of our awareness, to see the kind of protection, to see what we are in His sight.

Every time the subject of something appears in the Bible, that’s the root of the truth, and every other prophecy reveals more of this original truth.


This truth of restoration was taking place at the end of the pentecostal age, the end of the seventh age in Genesis, between the revealing of the Son of Man and the sound of the last trump, He shall appear in His glorified body and we together with the resurrected saints will be caught up to meet the Lord. This is the first picture given to us of this mystery truth. This is to help us in our experience, understanding our time.


Understanding what kind of protection you have, how much God is watching over you. God is slowly unfolding this mystery, because Sarah had received angelic visitation, she received dynamos. Twenty-four years she didn’t have faith for the supernatural. So God is unfolding this truth to us. These principalities and powers wanted to take her out of her position, but God had already spoken a Word over her and His Word cannot return void. Do you know that God has spoken a word over you? And if somebody is trying to touch you, with other words, they want to stop God’s program, God’s prophesied promise for that hour. Because that was an elected and called woman. Could you accept that this is you? To see the way God sees you? God here is giving us a picture what He is illustrating: Restore. This is the scripture Brother Branham took for the message Restoration Of The Bride Tree, opening the mystery that Elijah has come and he came for the restoration of all things. 

Restoration of bride tree – 62-0422

“To restore” means “to return To the former owner; or to bring back to the former estate of condition. And we can enforce a claim to be restored.” Now, that’s what Webster says the word “restore” means: “to bring back To the former owner; or to bring back to a former state of condition.” And if a claim is made on something, to make that restoration, you can enforce it–to make it come back to its right place. And may God bless the feeble words now.  43. “To restore” means “to bring back, or to restore; a–a claim can be enforced.” Now, to bring anything back to its rightful owner, where it belongs… Therefore, some way it went away from its rightful owner, and can wander around anywhere. But to restore is to bring it back to who really owns it, or to bring it back to its natural estate, where it was at the first time–bring it back into its natural condition. And in order to do this we have a right to enforce (if there’s a law), to enforce this rightful condition of restoration–to restore.

When did Sarah get restored? After Genesis 17. What time are we living in? At the end of the seventh age. After here the gospel goes to the Jews. The Gentile age is winding up here. The Restoration of the Bride tree is coming back.

Restoration of bride tree – 62-0422

Like if somebody stole some property, and they’re holding the property captive. Then you can take the law and go to this person, and the law forces–enforces this person to restore this property back to its natural owner, into its…?… or first estate. Enforcement…Oh, what a text, how I’d like to have two days on that: enforce. Now, Brother Neville preached for us; I’m just going to talk to you, teach the Sunday school lesson so it’ll–it’ll–get it to continue on, I hope, with what he had.  45. Enforce… Then, we are the–have the privilege to enforce upon Satan the claims that God give us, for God has a law; and His Word is the Law. And God in this Word made certain claims to the church. Therefore, we have a right to force these claims upon Satan and say, “Give it back.”And he has to do it, because we can take God’s Agent, the Holy Spirit, go right down on our knees, and say, “It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.” He’s got to give it up; that’s all, ’cause the Holy Spirit’s there to make him do it.  46. The law of the land is to enforce–it’s by the land, for the land. But the Law of the Spirit of God is to force Satan to give up that which he has unrightfully, deceitfully taken from God. Souls of men he took from God, souls of women, children; sickness of the body, he placed upon people where God made them in His image to be like Him. And the church is given the rightful, legal rights by the Bible, to take the Holy Spirit and enforce this upon them.

2 Kings 8:1-6

[1] Then spake Elisha unto the woman, whose son he had restored to life, saying, Arise, and go thou and thine household, and sojourn wheresoever thou canst sojourn: She had a nice big farm. That woman had discernment, she believed what Elisha had told her. Elisha represents the ministry, this woman represents the Bride. for the Lord hath called for a famine; and it shall also come upon the land seven years. [2] And the woman arose, and did after the saying of the man of God: and she went with her household, and sojourned in the land of the Philistines seven years. [3] And it came to pass at the seven years’ end, that the woman returned out of the land of the Philistines: the same woman, the same alpha bride came back as the omega bride. Preview of the bride. We have come out of organization and go back to the land of the fathers. The true church never went out of existence. and she went forth to cry unto the king for her house and for her land. She went to the highest authority, knowing what belonged to her. [4] And the king talked with Gehazi the servant of the man of God, saying, Tell me, I pray thee, all the great things that Elisha hath done. [5] And it came to pass, as he was telling the king how he had restored a dead body to life, that, behold, the woman, whose son he had restored to life, cried to the king for her house and for her land. And Gehazi said, My lord, O king, this is the woman, and this is her son, whom Elisha restored to life. [6] And when the king asked the woman, she told him. So the king appointed unto her a certain officer, saying, Restore all that was hers, and all the fruits of the field since the day that she left the land, even until now.

The full restoration is connected to the coming of Elijah and Jesus being revealed from Heaven, at the end of the seventh age, in the time when the messenger of revelation 10:7 is on the earth, like Jesus had to come when John was on the earth. Elijah is come and gone, Jesus was coming in the Cloud, with the tittle deed. That title deed is in the bride now. You need the Book to make claims; the inheritance is described by the deed, the boundaries of the inheritance from there to here. When we see the early church from Acts 2 to Acts 28, we see these things that need to be here. The prophet went off the scene, but now the bride is the final voice to the final age.

There is much land yet to be possessed, let’s claim it. That’s the church in this hour.

The angel is enforcing, he is fighting for us. You have the enforcer. You just have to speak it, and He will enforce it. Everything that belongs to you has to come back.

The restoration of all things and the restitution of all things is connected to the coming of the Son of Man and Jesus revealed from heaven… The king is enforcing the restoration of everything that belongs to us at the end of the seventh age. Full restoration!







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