DAY 27

OCTOBER 27th, 2019 – VEMAGIRI / RAJAHMUNDRY / Andhra Pradesh

The last Day of the Feast in the Province of Andhra Pradesh is upon us. The believers here are in our hearts, and being around for almost one month now, we see India in a different way than ever before. The saints here want to be ready for the Rapture just the same as we want to be, and though in different circumstances, temptations and trials, they are also striving daily for perfection.

We are looking at more than 2000 people this morning, sitting inside and outside and everywhere around the building. It’s extremely humid and hot these days and the fans are working overtime. But though weary and tired in body, we are very happy to be in the midst of this congregation again, where we feel such a welcoming Spirit. We wish you all could see the believers (young and old and the very small children) how they sit in this heat on these hard floors for all these hours so quietly and attentive to the Word!

Yesterday, Pastor Kumar had ask Brother Vin to preach two services in one, and that’s exactly what is happening here today.

And as God’s servant promised, he is continuing with this great subject of Abel’s Lamb, Enoch’s Pyramid And Noah’s Ark.

There is no way to describe the depths of these tremendous services and the grace that is poured out over these days. The whole plan of redemption is locked up in types and shadows, and Brother Vin takes these three people: Abel, Enoch and Noah, to show us that if we have the revelation of the Slain Lamb like Abel, and walk with God like Enoch to be formed into the Stature Of A Perfect Man, then we are coming back on the earth after the judgment like Noah and have dominion over the earth… that’s the full cycle of redemption. All these men show us how God dealt with them, and He is doing it the same way with the Bride.

“The man who goes in the Rapture must be changed first in the body. Abraham reveals the mystery of the change and there is something he had: Faith to be changed.

Understand where God is now! Fifty years ago this church didn’t exist. Let your life be an example! When the power of this church rises, it will pull its brethren and we’ll see a people just like it was in the Book of Acts, when sin couldn’t stand among them and when they had all things in common.”

After a service like this nobody can be the same again and the tremendous worship and praise expresses the gratitude in the hearts of the believers.

In the evening we find ourselves again at the Pastor’s house for refreshments and fellowship and we feel that we are the most blessed people on planet earth! Just to be saturated for the entire month of October with Spiritual Food in due season in such a perfect continuity, and the opportunity of spending time with our brothers and sisters on this side of the world is truly a great privilege and blessing.


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