On the road again… We are leaving the Province of Andhra Pradesh today to catch our flights from Vijayawada to Mumbai.
The drive with different cars takes us about 3.5 hours and we are sharing our impressions and views about this trip and the believers here in India. We agree on one thing for sure: There is much work to be done, because the Rapture cannot take place until the last One is in, and it has to be a quick work. Humanly speaking it seems to be impossible and overwhelming and our only consolation is, that there is nothing impossible with God; He will do a quick work according to His Plan.
When we arrive at the Airport, some of the precious believers from Life Tabernacle in Vijayawada are already waiting to greet us for the last time on this trip.
Before we go through Security, Brother Vin is using the little bit of time to speak with the brethren here. We hear, that there are only 400 Messages translated into the local language Telugu and Brother Vin explains the importance of certain ‘Key Messages.’
The brothers are witnessing that the ministry of Brother Vin has turned the picture to the right angle for them and they are most grateful to God.
Since the team is separated on different flights, we naturally arrive in Mumbai at different times, and before we know it and everybody has his luggage it’s 2 a.m. The Brothers who host the meetings here in Mumbai are welcoming us and we recognize our precious Brother Jack Rodrick right away, who has hosted the meetings back in 2012.
A bus is arranged to bring us to the Hotel in the Centre of the City, another 45 minutes drive. By the time we have checked in and settled in our rooms, it’s 5 a.m., and we set the alarm for 8, because the first service starts at 10 a.m.! Mercy!