OCTOBER 26th, 2019 – VEMAGIRI / RAJAHMUNDRY / Andhra Pradesh
Since we only got to bed at 5 this morning, we are still a bit tired when we get the message that the Host Pastor Arun Kumar invited us for lunch at his home. And are we ever glad we accepted his invitation; his family has prepared such an outstanding meal for us, especially the variety of fruits you see on the featured image for this day. That’s exactly what we needed. We are very grateful for their hospitality and love towards us.
Strengthened and refreshed we are ready for the evening service and when we get to the church, we are shocked, finding a church here with more than 2000 people, every one in expectations and in church order, and they are creating such a rich atmosphere. We never knew that these precious believers even exist.
Brother David Dayal is singing ‘The urgency of the hour’ and Brother Vin is feeling the pull already, when he comes to the pulpit and he asks everybody to fasten their seat belts! Brother Deepak Chenthati is the Telugu interpreter in these services and although he never heard Brother Vin preaching before, he is very calm, and catches the Word exactly. The title of this amazing service is
Scripture Hebrews 11:4-7
11: 4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain…
“That’s his worship, he is the first example in the Bible. The first revelation after the fall given to man was to Abel. It was the mystery of a slain Lamb. Before it had a world, before anything, an atom or molecule, the only thing we see before the foundation of the world in the Bible is that the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world, and the names put in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Then when man fell, God didn’t go for a giraffe or a cow, He went for a Lamb; because God Himself was going to come down as the Lamb of God to take away our sins.
Abel, a prophet, he could go into the Thoughts of God and bring down the mystery of the slain Lamb. He was looking back at God’s plan and looking forward to Calvary, the Lamb dying. It says, he offered that by faith, by revelation. That is still God’s way tonight.
The first revelation that God gives to every man, he must see Calvary. When they’ve built the Tabernacle, what was the first piece of furniture? The Brass Altar; brass speaks of judgment, that’s were the sacrifice is. You don’t see the table of Shewbread, the Candlestick or the Ark first; the first thing you see is the Lamb slain on the Brass Altar. And the worshipper puts his hands on the sacrifice, because the sacrifice is dying in the place of him. He should die, but God provided a Lamb for him. Not a dog, not a pig, but a Lamb. The Lamb of God.
Every believer whose name was in the Lamb’s Book of Life is identified with the Lamb. In the Book of Revelation the slain Lamb comes with the Open Book, breaks the Seven Seals. In the ‘Marriage of the Lamb’, He comes to take His wife. In the New World, the Lamb is the Light of the City. From Eternity to Eternity He is revealed the Lamb of God. The Lamb with Seven Horns and Seven Eyes, the Lord Jesus Whose Presence is here tonight; the Lamb Who is the Light of the City, Heavenly Jerusalem, the Lambs wife!
Brother Vin shows us the mystery of the slain Lamb from Genesis all the way to Revelation and no matter what he is touching, the Word is opening and opening, and it’s hard to stop the service, because he didn’t get to Enoch or Noah yet, but promises to continue tomorrow, Sunday morning.
Great joy is ministered in our hearts tonight, in such a clear and expressive way to awaken us to the condition required to make the Rapture, to see God veiled in flesh. Brother Wycliffe closes the service in prayer.