We are staying at the River Bay Hotel in Rajahmundry, and this place seems to be much quieter than the last one, which was in the middle of town, where we basically heard the honking of cars, barking of dogs, people talking and corralling all night long. It seems we will get some more urgently needed rest here and when we open the curtains this morning, we can see the majestic Godavari River right in front of us, where old colourful fishing boats go back and forth and it’s a beautiful serene atmosphere. We thank God for that, because going from place to place, sleeping in different beds, eating different foods, and meeting so many people, a person needs some rest of mind to absorb these things. And the Lord knows exactly what we need, especially Brother Vin, who is labouring without ceasing.
The evening service is in Pastor Joshi Kumar’s church in Ganti, about one hour drive from the hotel. Wherever we are driving, there are Hindu temples left and right, people selling yellow/orange garlands for their temple worship, cows hang out on the roads, and I am hearing the strangest thing today. We are told that some persons who build a new house, don’t move in until they bring in a cow and they consider it a special privilege and blessing, when the cow urinates and leaves some dung behind. I could cry, because these people are so sincerely wrong, and we have the Truth and take it as such a normal thing sometimes. God made men to worship, but look what they do! They don’t know better, and what a burden our Prophet had for such a people, especially here in India, because when they saw a Living God, they threw down their idols and surrendered to God. There is so much work to do in this nation, and we are glad to see many precious believers here, whom the Lord called out from their false religions.
We also were told today, that Christians are not welcome in this nation, and that they are harassed and persecuted, sometimes beaten up on the streets, or put in jail, meetings are not allowed to be held, and that it’s very hard to find work as a Christian, because Hindus are preferred in every way of life.
That’s why we even appreciate more to meet these precious people, the Bride of Christ in India, who stands in the midst of all these circumstances. When we arrive at the church, you cannot imagine how many persons are waiting with such great expectations; it must be over a thousand people in this place, sitting outside and on another level upstairs. Many ministers with parts of their congregations have followed us throughout the journey in this Province.
Our labour is not in vain and we believe that the smallest effort of the least of us is counting. I myself now wish had a million more lives, because the harvest is ripe, the Hour of the Rapture is upon us and there are so many more souls to be quickened. The only comfort I have is that God loses none of His and that He is more than able to get them out of the pit.
Brother David Dayal introduces the preaching of the Word tonight with the song “The Great Exodus” and if this song, which was written so many years ago, is not even more true and real today!
Because the believers here have come with such great expectations and faith, they are pulling on the Word and the Holy Spirit is just pouring It out. What a tremendous service with the Title
The subject is so big, that Brother Vin just gets to Enoch tonight, but the Lord willing, he is taking the next three services on this great subject. Precious Brother Deepak Chenthati is the interpreter for all the services in this area.
“This man who went in the Rapture came to a place to walk with God. In Amos 3:3 it says, ‘Can two walk together, except they be agreed?’ If we want to walk with God, we have to have the same nature like Him. Because the carnal mind is enmity with God. And walking means ‘progress.’ In that walk he walked up Seven Steps, from faith all the way to charity. There are Seven Steps to the King’s Chamber. And when you come to the Seventh Step, there is a guard standing there, and there is a little place, called the Prophet’s Chamber, and four guards; Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle. And then the Eagle steps out, because right there is the Chamber of the King. Like in the Book of Esther; she has to be admitted into the King’s Presence. And when a believer comes to the Seventh Step, you will know, because there is something about the Presence and there is only one Piece of Furniture in the King’s Chamber: AN EMPTY COFFIN! A sign that death is conquered! And coming in the King’s Presence, you’ve passed from mortal to Immortality. From Enoch it says: ‘and he was not; because God took him.'”
During the service, these things are happening in the background, but those hard working cooks are still hearing the preaching, because they installed loudspeakers everywhere; even the people some blocks away cannot help but hear the Word!
This is the 32nd service up to this day, and this is Supernatural in itself!