OCTOBER 24th, 2019 – SAKHINETIPALLE/ Andhra Pradesh
The Community Hall is in a rural area, where women still wash their clothes in the river, and beat them on stones, something that most of us never had to do. And we spot this woman just before we get to the meeting place. It reminds me on how God has to wash us and beats everything out of us, until He can see His own image in us.
We have another opportunity to gather again today for both meetings in the same place, and Brother Wycliffe preaches a powerful service this morning with the Title:
“All the characters in the Bible, Paul summarized in Hebrews 11:1: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. This is the Scripture for us today, because the Prophet is in glory and we are still here.”
And Brother Wycliffe takes as a foundation for this service 2. Kings 4:38-44.
“Jesus called our fathers and before they could serve, He had to robe and anoint them. The Message of the Hour, the Son of Man being revealed, has called us out of denominations and the world, but before He can entrust us in His service, He has to first shape us, deliver us, robe us and then anoint us, and then we can serve Him better. And He is shaping me and you to fit that Message Gown. Jesus had to be shaped, the Prophet had to be shaped, before God could use him to prophesy to us.
Elisha is the man who came on the scene after Elijah, and he is the type of us today. God was working on Elisha, he had to grow to fit the garment. Each one of us is growing towards perfection and God knows where you’ve reached. But when you see what you are lacking, you cry out to God, ‘Give me faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity, because You said, you will make me grow to perfection.’
Men and women who have to be conformed to the image of His son, and the great Sculptor Himself, He knows what to remove from me and you and through His vessels, the ministers, to show you, what God does not want in His vision. After ten years, Elisha had grown to fit the garment of Elijah. It was time for God to take Elijah home and when we read the story, God called him to Gilgal, a place of confession.
God deals with each of us like He dealt with Elisha. He dealt with Brother Branham how he dealt with Elijah.
Jesus said, no one can come to Me, unless My Father draws him. Every child of God must be called by God Himself, then they keep their eyes on God, not on the church, not even on the preacher, because the promise in Acts 2:39 is…. “even as many as the Lord our God shall call” and not as many as the ministers shall call.
God used Elijah to anoint Elisha, it was a supernatural call to anoint Elisha. It comes to us, anointed ministers and pastors, where God is talking to you through men. The five-fold ministry is God’s dress wear.
Do you follow the one who wears the dress? A minister is only a veil, and when that veil went off the scene, God took other veils, the ministers now. And it goes even beyond reading the Message. Because the Seed of Christ is not carried on a tape or in a book, it’s carried by the Body. And what is the Body? By one Holy Ghost we are baptized into the Body. The Angel of the Lord appeared to Cornelius, but the Angel had no Seed. Cornelius was told by the Angel ‘Call for the man who has the Seed.’
Who is carrying the Seed today? The ministers. We can never change the plan of God. He gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints, never tapes or books for the perfecting of saints. God only has one provided way to bring perfection the the saints, it’s by the five-fold ministry.
How can they hear without a preacher? How can they preach unless they are sent? It all ties back to men. God could have chosen the sun to preach the Gospel. But He choose men, because life can only be carried by men who have Christ. Books can be carried by drunkards, but the Life of God only is carried by Holy Ghost filled ministers, because they are the only ones, that can impart Life. You have to see what God wants to make you, not what you want to be.”
During the lunch break today we are at Pastor Rokkam’s home to have some refreshments and afterwards we are returning to the hotel to get our luggage ready, because when the evening service is finished, we are going to drive through the night to Rajahmundry, further East in the Province of Andhra Pradesh, where we have some more meetings for the next couple of days.
It’s way past 9 p.m. when Brother Vin comes to the pulpit, because Brother Rokkam has it on his heart to give his testimony, talking about all the difficulties they have come through and how the Lord helped them to come to this place.
Brother David Dayal introduces the service tonight with the song GOD’S CALL FOR A NEW CONSECRATION, and it creates the right atmosphere for the Word to follow. And oh, what a service!
Again the title tonight is DEEP CALLETH UNTO DEEP with the subject:
The congregation is so captured by the Word, not even realizing, that midnight has passed
By the time we are leaving this meeting place it’s already 1 a.m. and some refreshments are still waiting for us at Brother Rakkum’s home, before we can make our way to the hotel to get our luggage – which is an undertaking by itself – and we leave from there with three cars and one truck at exactly 2:30 a.m.
It’s actually much easier to travel by night, because there is hardly any traffic; no cows, pigs, dogs or other creatures are on the road, but it’s difficult to see those deep potholes and in the middle of nowhere our van is hitting one of those real hard, blowing two tires at once. By God’s grace there are two spare tires, and in no time we can continue our journey. Around 4 a.m. it starts to get lighter and we see the first people walking around and traffic picks up again. By 5 a.m. we arrive at the hotel in Rajahmundry and we just drop to bed.