DAY 19

OCTOBER 19TH, 2019 – VIJAYAWADA/Andhra Pradesh

Today surely is a different day, and I am going to write the events in two separate parts.


Brother Raj from Life Tabernacle has asked Brother Vin to dedicate his new pulpit, which just arrived after the meetings. For this purpose we are leaving around noon time to meet at the local church. We very well remember when we came up this little street the very first time.


How they’ve welcomed us every time and since then the Lord has connected us to this little group of believers in a very special way. God has put His seal of approval on the people here. And for every other meeting that we had in the different places, they came for support. It has meant so much to us, because we felt we were surrounded by prayer and faith.

“God was present with you in the meetings. When you show that love for the Word in this scientific age, and you understand the power of viruses… and God has infected us with the virus of your faith, love, praise and high expectations. The great blessing I received being in India this time is to meet our beloved Pastor Raj. Many of the churches are not trained, and that’s why we admire this little church, because it’s not a social, but a real apostolic church. You realize, that’s a minister who understands the purpose why God sent the prophet. And your presence in the meetings was a great help to send home this message.

On October 20th, 2011 you dedicated this church and eleven and eight is nineteen, and in 2019 God has us to be here with you in the country. First we were in the North, Delhi and then in Punjab, and after that coming down to the South country to make a stop here. And the first plan was that we would move and go to another place. Brother Paulke told us last night, that we have to stay here and tonight we have to drive 3 hours to the service in Piduguralla and three hours to come back. We’ll do that and stay here.

Because in this world of communication you can have the best phone, but it doesn’t help if you are in the wrong place where the signal is not strong. But we are in the right place where the signal is strong, because for what we are doing, location is important for transmission. Without the right transmission in the wrong location you have nothing to transmit, but in the right place, something is already downloading.”

The title of this amazing unforgettable service this morning is:


Brother Vin now reads from Nehemiah 8, because the mystery of the pulpit is in the 8th chapter.

“The Bible speaks of a new order, speaks of Eternity, because there are seven days in the week and seven is a number of completion. The Bible speaks about the 8th Day and it means, you’ve come back to the first Day. Ezra, Nehemiah and Zechariah are the restoration books in the Bible. The church had been in Babylon for seven decades, and seven decades are a type of the seven church ages. In the Hour of restoration, they were going back to the original, to the land of their fathers. And in Daniel 9, the Mighty Angel descended to give him skill and understanding and showed him all the way to the consummation. This is the time of Revelation 10, where the mysteries are opened up to the end-time Daniels, who have come out of Babylon in Revelation 18 to go to Revelation 19, where ‘the Marriage of the Lamb has come.’

Brother Vin now explains the Seven Feasts, and when he comes to the verse in Nehemiah 8:4, everybody is on the edge, because this is happening here in the present right now. And the atmosphere is electrified…

And Ezra the scribe stood upon the pulpit of wood, which they had made for the purpose…

At the time of the final Feast, the Book was taken out in the 8th chapter, a new order began, and Ezra opened the Book. Before that they didn’t have the pulpit and now he opens the Book, a type of the preaching of the Seven Seals. A pulpit of cedar wood was made for our Prophet for the purpose of the opening of the Seals. This is the only place in the Bible where a pulpit was made from cedar wood. The Cross was also made from cedar wood.

The people were calling for the Word ‘Ezra, bring the Book!’ You didn’t have to force them, they wanted the Word. And the men there caused them to understand the Truth of the Open Book, that was preciously sealed up in the Book. The new pulpit is connected with the Open Book to bring the church to the change of dwelling places, to the Feast of Tabernacles.

Brother Vin now dedicates the pulpit and when worship and praise has gone forth, Brother Raj and his precious wife re-dedicate their lives for service.

Brother Raj’s mother now comes forward to testify.

Brother Raj’s mother (right) now comes forward to testify. She had a dream on Thursday night, where she saw the entire event happening even to the exact clothing Brother Vin is wearing today.

We are witnesses of His majesty and can see how God is always working in His unusual ways in unusual places with unusual people. The greatest things are happening in simplicity.

At the end of today’s blog, you’ll find the PDF file for the already printed book from this absolutely supernatural service.


Driving to PIDUGURALLA this afternoon. If one doesn’t experience the traffic conditions and air pollution in this country first-hand, it couldn’t be understood; I have no way to describe it. Therefore, you cannot even imagine how this 3 hours’ drive feels, and when we arrive at our destination, we are totally worn.

But God always makes a way and pours out a special anointing, because somehow we are revived when we are warmly received by Pastor Varam and his congregation of about 100 people, who are already worshipping the Lord when we enter this place.

Brother Wycliffe takes the service tonight and he titles the service


“Consolation is something that gives you comfort and assurance, it removes your frustrations. Our consolation today is to apply and display the Token. ‘When I see the Blood, I will pass over you.’ The Token is the assurance and a confirmation that you have followed the instructions from the Message.”

Brother Wycliff speaks from Luke 2:25-28, where the happenings about Simeon and Anna are recorded, and how they were expecting to see the Lord’s Christ, the Anointed One.

“There were so many in the days of His first Coming, but you don’t read about them, because their lives were not connected with the First Coming. Simeon and Anna were waiting for God to perform what He had promised. They knew by the Holy Spirit that the Lord was present. And we are the Simeons and Annas in this Second Coming.

Be under expectations, for you don’t know the time when God manifests His Word! You don’t see God only in church. He is an unusual God and you meet Him in unusual places, using unusual people. We have prophecies that Brother Branham never can fulfill, but the Bride.”

The consolation is not having the books or tapes, but to possess what he says. We must be in condition like Simeon and Anna and look for our consolation: the anointing must manifest in our lives to make us living epistles, read by all men. We can see the Message in action now, the Word of God manifest in our day.”

What a wonderful service, and we wish we could stay a little bit longer, but the thought of driving another 3 hours back to the hotel, makes us leave right away after receiving some refreshments. We drop to bed by 2 in the morning and have 4 hours, before we get up again for the next services in Piduguralla.

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