DAY 18 – Wola Piotrowa/Katowice
July 2nd, 2018
Before we hit the road again, we want to spend a little bit of time with our precious Brother Sniegon and are surprised, when Brother Pavel and his group had the same desire.
It seems to be hard for us to leave this little place here, so laid back and peaceful, where so many believers live and received over the years hundreds of believers from all over the world.
We are invited inside the houseman Brother Sniegon’s son, and sit one more time in fellowship.
More and more things from the early days come to remembrance. They all remember so well, when the church gathered in the attic of Brother Sniegon’s house, sometimes 200 people.
We hear about a radio program, where Brother Sniegon was able to speak every Sunday morning at 8 a.m. in 20 minute segments about the true gospel and that also Brother Vin had the opportunity, and he spoke about Ministry of Angels out of Exodus 23:20.
While fellowshipping Brother Vin describes the building of a house in the natural as a parable to building a spiritual house; that first the foundation is laid and the walls are build, the roof is put on; then the plumber has to come in, then the electrician to make sure there are lights, then the painter. But if the owner decides, not to have the electrician and rather have the painter coming every year to repaint the walls, they will never have light in the house. So it’s with different gifts in the Body, everybody is needed to make it a comfortable and beneficial place for the family. The carpenter has to come and measure the material exactly, otherwise if the wood is cut wrong, it’s spoiled and cannot be used anymore. So it is with building God’s church. Everybody has a gift and a place and is needed to make the church of God a dwelling place for God’s glory to come in.
But now the time really has come that we should leave, because it will take about 5 hours to our next destination Katowice.
And all this time I had the desire in my heart to see Sister Sniegon one more time. While on the way to the car, her son asks me if I want to come in for a moment to greet her. I am so happy because I wanted to tell her, how much the Lord loves her and has confidence in her, to let her go through such a hard trial, and that we all pray and believe for her complete deliverance.
While we are driving, the singers and musicians from Trinidad are right with us in the car, as we are listening to the songs of Zion, and they truly minister to us and create a wonderful atmosphere.
After a couple hours of driving we stop for a little lunch at a restaurant, and just a few miles after leaving that place, a border patrol stops us – but there is no border at all. Anyways, they check the trunk of the car, and demand our passports, the papers of the rental car and disappear into their car. I am watching them, because they park on my side and they go through the passports page by page. I am sure they never saw any passports like that. They come out of their car and want to know why we have so many countries and stamps in our papers.
Reviewing this now, we feel that it was not just a random check, because it seemed that they were waiting for us, while they let all other cars pass by. It was a very strange happening.
Around 6 p.m. we finally get to our hotel in the centre of Katowiche, a 27-story high modern building, and we all are staying on the 23rd floor, from where we have a perfect view over the entire city, a mixture of old brick buildings from the time of the last war, which were well preserved and nicely renovated, and lots of modern buildings. We don’t take the time to walk around, but just want to relax and have a good rest, short, but enough to carry on.