DAY 11 – Bazanowice, Poland
June 25th, 2018
Today is the very first day in our exciting journey through some of the Eastern parts of Europe that we don’t have to set the alarm, but get some rest, and can reflect on the things we have seen and we have heard.
Brother Roman Mazur, who is a deacon in Brother Jacek’s church, invited us this afternoon for a fellowship to his house countryside, just minutes across the border in Czechia. Already in the early days in 1989, he was a faithful helper to Brother Vin, and drove him all the way to Russia and White Russia, at the time, when they were still under the Communist regime.
When we arrive, the saints from Ukraine and Vilnius are already enjoying the sunshine in this beautiful country garden, where the trees are bowing with cherries and with soon to be harvested apples and plums.
Brother Valerie and Sister Anna from Vilnius, faithful saints, who we have come to appreciate over the years. It’s good to be part of this great family of God.
As soon as Brother Vin opens his mouth, a stream of revelation is pouring out, very deep waters to swim in, and it doesn’t stop until we are leaving at night. Our God is tremendous! I wish I could write it all, but just want to mention one thing, that struck me the most, when the Holy Spirit comes down and lays out the many details of creation and the plan of redemption; and shows His spellbound children, that redemption is a greater work than creation.
The presence of God is settling right here in this little place, just the same as it did in the simple home of Sister Hattie Wright, and so many times in the kitchen of others; God loves to hide in simplicity and reveals Himself in the same. He is coming to humble hearts, who believe and take Him at His Word. It’s a great thing to recognize how He makes Himself known by the breaking of the Bread and opens the eyes of our understanding, just as He did when He walked with the disciples on the road to Emmaus.
It took a prophet in this day to show us the principles, so that we can enter into the Word and operate in It, not learning about the Truth, but recognize that we are the mystery between the Gentile and the Jewish prophets. And a prophet committed these mysteries to those sons, who come out of his faith.
Truly, new things have been declared and we have recognized our day and our message.
Pastor Jacek Walach from Bazanowice
Pastor Vlad and his wife from Ukraine and sisters
What a wonderful fellowship we have today, and I wish we could stay forever in this atmosphere, but it gets really cold towards the evening and the believers from Ukraine have to leave for their 5 hour drive to get back home. When we end this gathering in prayer, I can’t help but think of the saints in the times of Paul, how they prayed and committed each other in the hands of God, when they had to depart from each other.