DAY 10 – Bazanowice, Poland

DAY 10 – Bazanowice, Poland

June 24th, 2018

Poznacie Prawde, a Prawda was wyzwoli


Praise God for another day of grace, and for the opportunity and privilege to gather with the believers of like precious faith here in Bazanowice and come in God’s presence today. We are very impressed to see this little church here striving with great sacrifices and enduring efforts for the cause of Christ with God’s servant Brother Jacek Walach leading his little flock. We see the willingness to open the doors of their heart, and it’s refreshing to see sanity, unity and divine leadership and Gods presence. God is pleased with that and can come close to His people.









The first service starts at 10 a.m. and believers from so many different places are gathered to listen and to be encouraged and strengthened by the Word of God in this place, where the atmosphere is created and the Word has free course, so that we can come in alignment with the Angel of God. When we see the lateness of the hour and gross darkness around us, we are praising God that our Light has come and we can walk with Him in unity and love.

The title of the message this morning is: Walking By Faith And Looking To The Unseen with the subject: Called To Live In The Realm Of Revelation And Vision.

Brother Vin lays out from 2. Corinthians 4 and 5, that there are two men, the outward and the inward man, two worlds, things seen and unseen, a visible and an invisible man and that we are made for two worlds. The unseen world is eternal, and the gene of God in us is eternal. This body is temporal; it’s part of this creation, but the soul is part of the Creator. We are in our mortal bodies right now, but we have another one eternal in the Heavens, in another dimension.

Here we live in time, matter and space, and because of the sex birth we are trapped into time and growing old here. But we will be loosed from the law of gravity, from the law of corruption in this body. What is going to do that? Faith to be changed. Where does that faith come from? That faith was sealed up in the Scripture, and these divinely revealed mystery truths that were contained in the seven seals reveal things about us, and that we always were part of God.

We will have a glorified body like His; the Master is working and molding. Before the body can change, the soul has to change, the atmosphere has to be changed. The right atmosphere brings a birth, the atmosphere of divine love, when somebody is born into the Kingdom, when that faith is anointed and gets a hold of the promise and comes from the temporal world into the Kingdom of God.

Before I conclude this little excerpt from this morning’s message, I humbly suggest to listen back to the entire service, which is recorded.

FELLOWSHIP between services

We all gather in the fellowship rooms upstairs for very good natural food and have the opportunity to meet and talk with different believers. When I greet Sister Justyna, she immediately tells me her amazing testimony, and I want to mention it here, because I believe it’s an encouragement for others. It really touched me to see the simple faith of a young girl because she took and still is taking God at His Word.


Justyna inherited diabetes from her family and had to take insulin as long as she can remember back. When she was 14 years old, she was alone in the kitchen and listened to a tape of the prophet, who at the end of the service prayed for a person with diabetes and declared the healing. She applied it to herself and God completely delivered her right there and then. When her mother asked her “Why don’t you take the medication anymore?” She replied “Do you believe God or not?” She never had to take insulin ever since.

When she was recently pregnant with her first child, the doctor told her, she would need to take hormones to have a healthy baby, otherwise the baby would die. She refused to take anything and didn’t let any fear bother her, because she believed God more than the doctor. And the baby was born healthy and normal.

Another great testimony of Gods grace and healing power is our precious Brother Valerie from Vilnius, Lithuania, who is attending the meetings with his faithful little companion, Sister Anna. He had a stroke about two years ago and the doctors told him, that most of the people with such kind of a stroke can’t never make it through and die or are paralyzed for the rest of their lives. It’s a tremendous blessing and encouragement to see him looking so good and happy.

By fellowshipping with many more precious believers here today we feel encouraged and strengthened to keep pressing the battle.







The service starts at 4 p.m. and is also live-streamed. The title of tonights service is:

Preexistence, Earthly Journey And Eternal Destination

“Brother Vin reads from 1. Exodus 23:20-23, ‘Behold I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.’ There is a place prepared for us and the Message came to prepare the people, to show us how to prepare for translation faith. There are enemies that we all have, which are trying to take your health, afflict you in your body and mind, take your children, but God is fighting for you, if you indeed obey His voice.

And then he goes to John 14:1, where the Scripture declares ‘Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.’ The hardest thing for a man is to believe another man. How do we do the works of God? By believing in him that God has sent.










For relationship with Him, you have to know His ways. To be a representative of Him to work through you, you have to know His ways.

The second exodus is the same pattern as the first exodus, just on a higher level. Jesus was more than the brass serpent that was lifted up in the wilderness; He was the real Lamb, the Word made flesh; His blood was the Red Sea, in which all the enemies, which had us in bondage, were destroyed. It was an exodus on a higher level. God gives us pictures and the real thing is happening now and you are in the midst of it. We are in the third exodus and God is operating with the same pattern in this hour. We are an exodus people, who are going out from a land of bondage, going back into our inheritance, a family inheritance, that belongs to us; we are not just coming to church.

What a confidence we can have by the opening of the Word, to see Gods program. And when you see Gods program, look how far that is from church attendance. 

Let us believe God, take His Word, let us see what God wants to do. He does it, to reveal Himself to us, so we can have access to Him. Divine Promises are governed by divine laws and principles.”

Now Brother Vin reads and lays out Matthew 18:10, about our angels in Heaven, about our three bodies, the restoration, about redemption.

You could count the seeds in the apple, but could you count how many apples are in the seed?

There is so much said in these meetings here, but the services are recorded and you can listen again, while you can stop the tape and find the Scripture and meditate in the days to come. May the Holy Spirit follow us. Hold fast to the promises without wavering and He will bless you and bring to pass, what you are believing for.”

We are so blessed today, and before leaving the hotel for some refreshments to Brother Jacek’s house, we meet Brother Ladislav Zaliz’  grandson and his wife from Czechia, who just got married yesterday and spending their honeymoon in this same hotel.


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