Russia December 4th, 2015 Day 9


December 4th, 2015

 Day 9

While the Minister’s meeting is taking place today, I am editing a lot of photos. And I am so amazed to look at the faces of the brothers with all their different expressions and particularities.DSC_1564








Not one looks like the other one; and each one has a different nature and make-up; God’s variety. And while I am looking at them, I am thinking how much God must love them, even when they are sometimes in adverse conditions, but it’s all to fulfill His purpose.











Nothing is going wrong. Jesus’s disciples still had their own ideas after the resurrection and even Peter, the man with the key of the Kingdom, went back fishing. But Jesus came to each one of them, because they were His sons.



So it is today. No matter how many tests and trials, troubles and confusion sometimes, He comes to each one of His children and brings them back in one mind and in one accord.





DSC_1558There are many different speakers today, and the meetings continue till late at night.

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