Ecuador October 11th 2015 – Day 5




October 11th, 2015

Day 5

Today is our last service here in Ecuador and it starts as early as 10 a.m. God has never failed to astonish us, He truly goes beyond our expectations these days. He is prophesying over us and His prophecies are coming surely to pass.

















The atmosphere is rich, when Brother Vin and Brother Atri come to the pulpit.






We have come to the last service, and we pray that the Holy Spirit will quicken the words, that He has been speaking to us and give us such an increase of faith that we go back to our places, and that the people could look and know something happened to you. What a great thing it would be! This little time we’ve gathered together, opening the Scriptures and our understanding, causing us to look into a specific place. When I arrived, I thought I was gonna preach three different services. The first service I would just preach a little introductional message, but the Holy Spirit just held me right here and we want to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes it’s not how much we want to say, but to speak what God desires to say to His people. Because all that we have need of and all that is required for us in this hour, the price that is to pay…


Samson had to pay a price for the power to come back; he had a hunger and thirst, a travail of soul for a Once More; he had a time of deep reflection and he reviewed his life, looked deep into his heart and seen where he made his mistakes. It produced repentance from his heart that pleased God, that the Spirit of God came back. He had to live a season without that presence in shame, in disgrace, seeing himself as a failure, but he had such a conviction; he didn’t want to let the enemy make sports of him. He refused to stay under the feet of the enemy. He looked back to the former times, and there was a cry in his soul for those days. If you have walked in victory and if you have left your first love, where Christ was everything to you; you were singing in the kitchen, you were happy, you couldn’t wait for the service to begin, you get up to the house early, but then may be something happened, may be the enemy shaved off those things, you don’t pray like you used to, you made mistakes, you are not convicted like you used to.


DSC_0187It happened to the great church of God, they wrote a Book of Acts, but they lost their first love and God was calling them back, ‘Get back to your first love,’ when there was love for God, when sin couldn’t stand among you. Bro. Branham speaks of having such a passion to know God’s Word, a cry for reaching out in the Spirit, a fervent desire to please God. He said, now we look at the church. Learning has replaced revelation, reasoning has replaced faith, and program has replaced spontaneous praise in the church and the fires have died out.


That was Samson, but he had a passion that the fire was being rekindled in his heart. God in this hour, with the Holy Spirit coming around a second time, hearing our cry, seeing the earnestness of our prayer, seeing the depts of our repentance, seeing the enemy making a big sport, rejoicing in his victory, because we failed to obey everything God told us. God knows how to deal with His children and something began to happen in his heart. He remembered what he was born for, the Angel came with that prophecy. He remembered he was a Nazarite from the womb. Did you remember what the Angel said about you and me? In the last days out of a little group of the true seed, God will present a bride, the same harmony existed between the Father and the Son will now exist between the Bridegroom and the bride. She will have the mind of Christ; she knows what He wants done with the Word. This is what the Angel said about us, before the seals opened and the Word to the bride, knowing that the seals gathered a bride, and they begin to recognize what God made them in Christ.


That Angel didn’t just come to announce our birth, but to be with us through our lifes’ journey. He might be grieved away for a moment, because sin breaks fellowship, but confession restores fellowship. God is just waiting for the Samsons here to get in the right place where their prayer gets sincere, where you mean everything you are praying for. Samson didn’t have a dry-eyed confession, a repetition of words. God put that picture in the bible before the last great move. That is the picture of the church, that was robbed, coming back to receive everything. And a prayer meeting, a prayer from the soul, a willingness to pay the price, a cry for ONE MORE TIME, LORD, let me die. He knew what it was going to cost him.


He was willing to die completely to himself, not holding back anything, die completely. That these things should be accomplished what we were born for. You could catch that?


We are recognizing we were born for something. A Nazarite is one separated unto God for special service, consecrated to the will of God. Not be a Nazarite for a season, but Nazarites from the womb till the day of the death; Nazarite for life, separated unto God, total consecration, without reservation, in submission to the revealed will of God. What a holy calling! May this strike our hearts, that when God thought of us, which age we were going to come, our plan and purpose for  the end of the age, the hour of restoration, in the days after the eyes are gone, after the prophet was taken off the scene, to do greater things with us. And you read about this story in the bible to reveal who we are, to reveal our hour, the time we come to.


This is the story the Holy Spirit holds me right here for all the services; Friday, Saturday and today, speaking to you. Are you willing to pay the price, to be separated to be a true Nazarite? Do you believe, greater works than these shall you do, it’s a promise, a Holy Ghost promise, a seven thunder promise for this hour? The third pull will start the rapturing faith to the going in this hour. It’s promised of this hour. I believe it, do you believe it? May be you never thought you have to walk in places like these, may be you live your life just settled down in a nice church, nice pastor, special meetings, having nice singing of specials, giving out tracts and books. That’s when the eagle is in the nest, little baby eagle, but when that nest is torn and the loosed feathers have to be blown out and the eagle has to discover the power inside of him and learn to fly like mama and papa, now is the hour we have to step in there.





Part of our life in the first pull was in the eggshell, we are seeing nothing out there. A small dark world, but then we begin to press, the eggshell begins to crack and light from another world is coming through, coming through the crack. We see trees, mountains, and you break out of the eggshell and your realize you are in a nest on a mountain and you look and see how great your papa is. You see mama, standing on the nest with food in her mouth to feed you. He couldn’t see this in the eggshell, what a world! And then you thought may be this is the world, ‘I like this nest, I am living here for the rest of my life, mama is going to feed me every day,’ but it had a third stage, a third pull, something greater than being in the eggshell and the nest: operating in your God given equipment, using your telescopic vision, your powerful wings to fly, using your beak to rip that meat; living in the realization of what a true eagle is. It’s something more like being in a nice church, in a nice nest, where the minister is bringing food. Now you must fly.


This is just a short excerpt of the introduction for this tremendous service with the title:

Eagle Nazarites In The End Time and with the subject: Samson’s Seventh Seal Vision and a declaration is made at the end, which I want to add here:

You are called to live in the realm of revelation and vision, Samson’s Seventh Seal Secret, Eagle Nazarites At The End Time. A people that is being raised up in this hour, because the message is turned to the right angle. Not fanatism, not somebody to push spiritual things, it’s just turning the message to the right angle and make you see Jesus from Genesis to Revelation in every Scripture.
















After this meeting the saints have like after every meeting natural food for the entire church prepared; it’s a tremendous effort and sacrifice, where the believers can sit and fellowship and get refreshed. I forgot to mention this  before. You should see the brothers carrying those big pots, dishing up the plates, running back and forth to serve everybody.



Most of the people have left by 6 p.m. and we have a surprise for another short service, where Brother Felipe and his wife Lilly want to renew their marriage vows, after being married for 15 years now.



This is a little private event here in the church. Most everybody is gone, and a few of us have remained back, and we have a few moment before the Lord Jesus.

Brother Vin:DSC_0344

This is a special time where the pastor and his wife have the desire to renew their marriage vows in this great uniting time. This oneness is to come into its fullness, this uniting of Christ and the church. Seeing that the services moved our faith up into this channel, this is a very fitting time for something like this to take place. We are thankful for God’s servant and his precious wife. When you see them, you see the Bible pictures coming to life; Isaac and Rebecca, Othniel and Achsah, the generation that went into the land. And knowing that God has blessed this meeting in His presence and this has been his 14th year in the ministry, and at such a time like this he has the desire also to rededicate their marriage. May it be symbolic for the believers in this church, that this great oneness will be reflected here. They have desires also, that the Lord will make everything complete. You have the privilege, ask that your joys may be full.

Brother Vin reads Psalms 128 and comments, that this Psalm is written specifically for a God fearing man. She will be fruitful and children will come forth, and the table speaks of fellowship. This man has oil, wine, and fellowship. What a great blessing! I believe every word of it is true, and if we are members of the bride, God today gave witness by His presence and His word. If we were not meant to be bride, He wouldn’t tell us the secret things. Its a wonderful thing we have the pastor of the church and his precious wife serve together in this great work. It’s not always the size of the work, but the quality of the Spirit, that we’ve experienced this weekend. The tabernacle here – I preached in many places in the world – but this weekend was very special.

And now before all of us leave to go, we have a few minutes. The great sacrifice you made to host so many people, it shows that you have men in your house, like David have great servants in his house, like Paul had helpers and God can put his honour on them. And you can see the passion they have to serve God’s people, to bring out of their substance. You cast your bread on the water and it shall come back to you.

Brother Vin reads this from the Message Wedding ceremony – 63-1201:

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this man and woman in holy matrimony, which is commanded by Saint Paul to be honourable among all men.










After prayer everybody is wishing that special couple God’s blessings. Brother Selvyn grabs the microphone and starts singing ‘I will always love you’,


but the couple is standing outside and doesn’t really hear the song. But it gave Susan and me some courage – but only after everybody was trying to convince us to sing – and we sang the song again…a second time around!









After this full day we are going to a restaurant for a little refreshment and soon after heading to the hotel and drop in our beds. Although extremely tired, I cannot fall asleep, because the Word is still moving in me and it’s hard to relax my mind and fall asleep.


















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