DAY 28 – DAY 29 – DAY 30 Travel Days

DAY 28 – Traveling from Mbale to Nairobi

December 27th, 2017

Our day today starts at five o’clock in the morning: breakfast, loading the bus, vans and cars, picking up some saints along the way, who also need to get back to Nairobi, and off we go after prayer, leaving Mbale, where we’ve met so many precious saints. Brother Simon, who interpreted faithfully day in, day out, is parting from us here, because this area is his home.

We are driving for about 9 hours – just one 10 minute-stop on the way – and we are very tired.












Our bus arrives in Nairobi  at 5 p.m. while Brother Vin and some of the team are still driving through the Great Rift Valley, and for them it takes about 14 hours to get to Nairobi.



We all meet around 9 pm at Brother Masinde’s Restaurant for a farewell dinner.


Different brothers from Brother Wycliff’s church speak and express how much they appreciate our coming and speak about the great sacrifice we all have made.

Brother Vin expresses his gratitude to Brother Wycliff and puts all the honour on him, because he has been instrumental for all these meetings and has made the connections with the believers in Kigali, and also in Bukavo and Mbale. He took care of our accommodations, not only here in Nairobi. Without him this trip would not have been possible. He wanted to share this Word with others, and kept humbly in the background. Weeks in advance he and his faithful servants here worked on this trip, and he even went to Bukavo/Congo weeks ago and made all the arrangements. We are grateful for a true man of God in this area, who has the same vision, to move the church forward.



Brother Wycliff also speaks and expresses his thankfulness that we all have come to serve in these places.


Tomorrow we continue  our journey to South Africa.

DAY 29 – Traveling to Durban

December 28th, 2017

It seems that we learn to live with less sleep than we ever thought, because we are up and about again as early as 5:30 a.m. for breakfast, loading the luggage and then we are on our way to the airport. Just now we are learning that the meetings in Johannesburg are cancelled and that we continue straight to Durban, where our precious Brother Rodney Munsami and some of the brothers are welcoming us at our arrival. Because of certain circumstances we basically are here now 6 days earlier than planned, and talk about the flexility and coordination of the precious believers here! The transport of the group and all the luggage was done with such efficiency, love and consideration.


When we arrive at Brother Rodney’s house, it really feels like coming home, because we’ve been here some years ago and are so happy to meet the believers again. Brother Rodney is one of the key-alliances in South Africa, and for years he is closely connected to us and the ministry. He has his own work now, a fine church, and they took most of the responsibilities to host all of us. Also Brother Paul Moodley, the former pastor of Brother Rodney, has been very helpful in accommodating us.

After a nice little dinner we all are leaving to our different places; some stay at believer’s homes, some at a hotel, and some at Brother Rodney’s place.

DAY 30 – Durban

We ourselves are staying with Brother Ben Pienaar and his lovely family in Pietermaritzburg, about 1 hour drive from Durban, where we also will have the services this coming Sunday. By the time we get to bed we are up for 22 hours, and it’s good to know, that tomorrow is a day of so much needed rest.


We are all connected with WhatsApp and by the messages going back and forth today, we know that everybody is happy and rested. We are catching up with this journal now, because the last couple of days our internet connection was very limited.

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