DAY 27 – Mbale/West Kenya

DAY 27 – Mbale/West Kenya

December 26th, 2017

Whatever place we’ve been during this exciting journey, we’ve seen such great hunger and thirst for more of the Word. Here in Mbale I observed how even the little mothers with their babies were sitting in a hot side-room on those uncomfortable wooden benches, and the many small children were so respectful and quiet for hours.


I’ve also watched, how a precious brother in each service transferred the words of the preaching to sign language for a few young people, who are deaf.



To see such dedication and sincerity is a great blessing. These people are not rich in earthly goods, but rich in faith.



And their singing is truly “wondaful” and full of joy.












It’s a farewell service this morning. The Host Pastor Haron Kijusa starts the service in prayer, and thanks the Lord that He opened the eyes of his own understanding, and he is asking our singers to bless us with some songs. He emphasizes that he wants all of us to come back again.

Brother Wycliff is speaking first, followed by Brother Vin, and he comments the Host Pastor and all the precious servants here. Before we say good-bye, we want to tell you that we love you…

“The way we view life, when God is planning our earthly journey before the foundation of the world, He planned that we had to pass this way. God has a reason and purpose to make us His bride and He knew that we would meet in life’s journey. In these meetings things can be imparted, and we have received things from you and you also have received things from us, because as the Scripture says, iron sharpens iron. In passing through here we picked up many things that encouraged us. The same people, that love the Lord, made sacrifices to come to these services, endured circumstances like we have seen here. And we have paid attention to it, because you were taken up with the Word. We, who have a little higher standard of living, seen you are so adaptable and we examined ourselves. It’s strange how God works and we are all God’s bill boards, written epistles. We are commanded to read each other.


We’ve come here, bringing a certain atmosphere, and you might say, they look so spiritual, and we can be among you and examine our spirituality in a way, we never did before. We do look at each other close, because the Kingdom is not wearing apparel, it’s the robe of the Holy Spirit.

As a believer in this day you are called to a supernatural atmosphere, you are part of a super race, an invincible army; a person who is considered in redemption. You are not just spending your life on earth, you came from eternity, you dropped down into time for a season. Through the transmission God sends to you, you know you are here for a purpose, you are given an assignment in life in relation to the plan of redemption.

When you have come to the knowledge of the Truth, you are not trying to live a Christian life; He puts the Seed of His own life inside of you.

God knows that His gene is inside of you and He designed your trials and testings, so the picture comes forth. When you know He choose you and part of Him is in you, then when He brings things in your life, you don’t fight up. Just let go and let God have His wonderful way. Every experience is designed to bring you more and more into His image. Nothing is going wrong in your life. Everything is going right, all things work together for good to them that love God and to them that are the called according to His purpose, because you are predestinated to be formed into His image.










The pastor said to come back; we are living in the amateur tribulation before the great tribulation, in a time of trouble in politics, economics, and financial trouble. The world is again falling part. But these things need to be brought out, to bring the awaking to the people to understand the urgency. And then show to the bride the condition she must be in. God is gracious, every name on that Book will be redeemed.


Rally around your ministry, lift up the hands of the ministry! Stand behind them and God will bless you!









Brother Pumzile is speaking followed by Brother Bishop, who thanks everybody for what the believers have done to make us feel at home, and then each one of the team comes to introduce themselves. It was truly a great joy to be here amongst the believers in Mbale, to see how they received the Word, and we are grateful for the love they’ve shown to us.

Also the ministers and their faithful helpers expressing how blessed they are and thank Brother Wycliff, who is instrumental that these meetings came to pass.










At the end of the service, Pastor Kijusa wants all the sisters to come to the platform and he comments on our modesty and decent dressing, that’s how the Bride of Christ should be dressed and be an example.

After the service and dismantling the equipment we are invited for lunch at Brother Abner and Sister Doris Ingosi’s house, Sister Mercy Kiambi’s parents, who have a lovely home in a rural area of Mbale, where they raise chickens, cows, and produce a great variety of vegetables and fruit trees. We feel right away home by the warm welcome and really wish we could stay a little longer.


They prepared an abundance of Caribbean food for us and make us feel so comfortable. The farewell service was actually much longer than expected, so here we have the “lunch” late in the afternoon. We find out, that it’s Brother Andrew’s birthday today, and he, who has so faithfully labored to manage everything on this trip, receives our songs and blessings. But we have to leave too soon, and it’s not easy to separate so quick from this relaxing place.

Also one of Brother Kijusa’s deacons, Brother Albert has invited us for dinner; his wife Eunice served the food for us during the convention. They open their lovely home for us and also prepared such an incredible buffet. We feel so loved and welcome here, and have a real nice time of fellowship here as well.










We must be ready in the morning by 5 a.m. and by now the night is already very far spent. While most of us heading by bus to the hotel, where we still have to pack and get organized, Pastor Kijusa had requested that Brother Vin and the singers stop by for prayer and some songs in his new church building, which is in the process of being finished.

We make it to bed way after midnight, and try to sleep fast; good try… but it doesn’t work just so.

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