DAY 24 – Mbale/West Kenya

DAY 24 – Mbale/West Kenya

December 23rd, 2017

Atawale Mwachie Yesu Atawale – Let Jesus Lead You

Getting up early and peaking out the window we see the meticulous manicured grounds around the cottages.




We are glad for another day of grace in our lives, and desire to see the Spirit of God moving in His own special way today.



I am thinking about the people that God has gathered for the convention here in this part of Kenya, and just the way they were waiting for us last night, so eager to hear from God, sitting quietly on those old wooden benches. God surely has something great in store for them, because He is passing this way for a purpose. We are just tools in His Hands, and we want God to move, so that after we leave we can be sure, that the believers have been raised up higher. May God’s purpose be fulfilled.

Whatever route we are taking on this trip, it’s ordained by God. And to think that He has seen us here before the foundation of the world… we believe, He will send His Word, deliver, heal and bless abundantly.







The Host of this convention is Pastor Kijusa, and he welcomes all visitors, and emphasizes there is only one preacher from Genesis to Revelation, and that is the Holy Spirit. Every preacher is just a vessel.

Brother Pumzile is God’s vessel this morning with Brother Nixon as his interpreter, and he wins the hearts of the saints here by saying, that for him Kenya is not the geography, it’s God’s people.

“We are not flying a usual aircraft. Our aircraft is equipped with dangerous weapons to defeat the enemy, and at the same time to deliver God’s people. We are ask to handle a F17, and it’s going to fight the battle until WW III, while God is unfolding the plan of redemption on the face of the earth. He wants all His redeemed to be set free and prepared for the going away. That’s the time we are living in, and therefore this is more than just a gathering. It’s a time to allow God to do His work, to raise us higher until we can stand before Him as the fully Redeemed. He wants to manifest complete redemption in our lives, restored in His likeness and image. In the beginning God did not have church members, but sons and daughters. That’s what He is longing for.

We are the visible pilots in this aircraft, but He is invisible and He knows how to deliver and destroy the enemy.

Leviticus 23 is happening at harvest time, but not all the fields get ripe at the same time. First the ripe part had to be harvested and be brought to the priest, so he could wave it before the people. It was to be a testimony that the rest of the field will also come to the same maturity. And this was to be done the day after the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week, but at the end of the seventh day, when a new day starts, this sheaf was to be waved. What a day we are living in!

Brother Pumzile is giving the testimony of God’s visitation to Sister Mercy Mumo, which will be posted separately.

One thing is for sure; the enemy is in trouble this weekend.

The Title of today’s service is:

God’s Servant Brother Branham, The First Ripened Sheaf.

Brother Pumzile takes his inspiration from the Scripture in Colossians 1:12-13, where Paul calls Jesus the image of the invisible God. The things that are invisible are made to be understood by the things that are visible. God has put things in nature in these three dimensions – in the visible world – to help us to understand the things that are in the invisible world.

Brother Branham, a man we have come to cherish, and a man that was used so mightily by God, until people took him out of his category and made him God. He was come to be a servant, not to be God. He as a man born in in Kentucky, and Charles and Ella Branham produced the body, but not his soul. That soul was not of this world. It came from the invisible world, and it was deposited in that body. We look at somebody by watching his way of life, understand his character, but we have really never seen each other. Because this body of flesh is just a temporary house for the invisible soul.


That meeting in the cave was about Brother Branham knowing himself. Let it be about you this weekend, knowing who you are in the Bible. Which one do you match? It will give you faith, when God makes known to you, who you are, when He begins to reveals to you the Scriptures in the Bible.

What stage of the journey are we? Come to this understanding, let this be your prayer request this weekend.
Lord, when this Exodus takes off, may you push the enemy back, that I come to know more of Christ and about myself. Showing us who we are on the earth, where we come from, and where we are going, what our life’s journey is all about.







If it was important to God to have that meeting in the cave with Brother Branham, He wants to have this kind of a meeting with you, not just a gathering, but that kind of a meeting, where the invisible God uses the visible image to help you understand your misunderstood life. God always had these two parallel, the visible and the invisible.

He wants to help us to understand our portion of the Word, our part in the program, the portion that we are to fulfill; the Scripture must become flesh in our lives. We live in that hour where we know who we are in God’s mind, in His Word, in God’s Book of Life. Life will take on a whole new meaning. Amen!


We have a short lunch break to get refreshed for the afternoon service.

The believers here have labored so faithfully to feed all of us, and we are grateful that we have been taken care of so well; not only with the natural food, but also with the fine accommodations.



Afternoon service


God Still Rejects Hybrid Children


The Necessity Of Having The True Birth And Not Only Association In This Hour.

Scripture: Leviticus 24:10-16


Brother Vin is interpreted by Brother Simon and he says, that when we do our part by meeting God’s requirements, it’s impossible for satan to stay. A lot of preparation and sacrifices have gone into these meetings, and when we expect to receive from Him, we certainly will receive. It’s impossible for God to lie. He cannot fail. It’s our privilege to draw near to Him. In the Old Testament the priest had access to the presence of God through the blood of bulls and goats. When we present the Token with our prayer, then we inherit the promises. That’s what an heir has, an inheritance. All we have to do is to ask, that our joys may be full. Believe in your heart and confess before God, say “Lord, I receive,” whatever need it is.

This is the hour for the original Seed, the certified Seed, elected Seed, God’s attributes. It’s not being in the Message, but is the Message in you? This is the secret, the Word is in the Bride. Catch the picture from Leviticus 24 here; the man who had blasphemed the Name of the Lord went around among the children of Israel; he was a hybrid, a bastard. It was a mixed multitude that went out. That’s why we have three kinds of believers in the Message. Satan always wants to be around the Truth. You will find him right in Eden, and he is right in the Message.


All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God. They had people that camped may be a little separate from the others. And they had a prison in the camp for people who misbehaved. God considers blasphemy against His name a very serious thing. It’s not what goes into the mouth but what comes out of the mouth that defiles the person.

God is laying down all these laws. They had already come out of Egypt, supernatural signs had happened, Moses was taken into the Cloud. So this prophet like Moses was taken up into the supernatural cloud.
So many examples show us the importance of this: and it identifies the very time we are living in.
The Bible has become a new Book, the prophet says, since the seven seals are open.

Many people come out of the systems, but never make it into the promise;  they become church members. God is not dealing with the outward man, but with the inward man.



Through Brother Branham’s preaching it had people who received the genuine birth. They knew he had preached what Paul preached. They were not afraid of the reproach for the Word. They multiplied by the new birth, not by sex. Jesus was not born by sex. The Sperm of the Word came through Peter, Paul, the church age messengers, and Brother Branham. A people coming up with the same faith, the same Token, the same kind of relationship.




Brother Branham knew himself in the Word. And that should bring forth the same kind. Its not association with Brother Branham. We are talking about a spiritual generation. The first church was apostolic; they had the gifts of the Spirit, the revelation of Jesus Christ, walking in relationship with Him. It’s an apostolic church that went down in the ground. If it’s not an apostolic church going in the ground, we never could come back as an apostolic church. We cannot be a reformation church.

Everywhere you see a church with false doctrine, that’s a fallen church. She received man-seed, adultery, because that happened to Eve. When she fell, she couldn’t bring forth a son like Adam. Eve received perverted seed from a false anointed one.

What we see in Heaven is represented on earth. Our origin is from Heaven, our call is from Heaven, our birth is a heavenly birth. The bride is always part of the Bridegroom. The second Adam came in the volume of the Book; then the second bride of the second Adam knows, she is part of the Bridegroom. God is setting His exodus people in order. People don’t realize that church order is one of the mysteries in the last days.

Where are the five definite identifications of the true church of God. Where is the identified Christ of all ages? What are we looking for? What type of seeds a man puts in his field determines what kind of crop he gets. You don’t plant pumpkin seed and get apples. Every seed brings forth after its kind.

What kind of church are we contending for? What kind of church followed Elijah and the Son of Man?
Brother Branham was a different specie than Oral Roberts. When you see people act different you see they have association, not a birth.

We don’t judge the Word, we let the Word judge us. Because this Word is Truth, and the Truth sets free. The lie puts you in bondage, the Word makes free.

We are in the hour, when nothing that is not original can go in.

Let’s look in our hearts. What is our real desire? God is calling; the Seal of God stands sure; My Sheep Hear My Voice, they have an ear to hear what the Spirit says. You don’t go in under association.

We recognize that’s the plan of God, how God prepared a people by calling them out and then the junction came, to set them in order, to align them, how they camp, how they come to their inheritance, how they are set positionally in the Holy Spirit.

And there is only one way provided by God for everything.

We must line up with God’s Word. God expects us to casts down our imaginations.

We want to be true, genuine.




                   It’s time for a new consecration.




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