DAY 21 – Nairobi/Kenya

DAY 21 – Nairobi/Kenya

December 20th, 2017

During the last four days we’ve been in services and were so blessed by the Word, and today we had many more highlights and manifestations.

When we come down to the lobby this morning, again several brothers gather around Brother Vin, asking questions and he begins to minister to them, and he emphasizes, that what the church needs today is the opening of the Word, to take the people further forward into the resurrection.

“We all have our place in the body. Today we meet in a fellowship, some of us have experiences that others don’t have. You might go through things in your country, that we don’t go through. In the natural, our country has no lions, we have a different environment. The natural geography reflects a certain character, and I am not facing things that you encounter. Where you are positioned strategically in the world, the influence of politics and things, is different to my country.”

Many more things are made clear, and Brother Vin emphasizes, that the only foundation of faith is the Scripture. The Word interpreted is the manifestation of the day. “That Word, that speaks of you in this hour, is interpreted and manifested in you.”

To see the response of the ministers, and the respect and gratitude they express towards God’s servant, is a great thing in God’s economy.

Around noon time we are crawling through unbelievable dense traffic downtown; our destination is Pastor Wycliff’s office. It seems that we are more parking than driving. We walk quite some time through the busy area of downtown, and have to watch out for cars and motorbikes, so we don’t get run over. There are no traffic rules here, first come, first go; it’s really chaotic.


Street sales everywhere… plums, potatoes, clothes…anything



We finally reach Brother Wycliffe’s office in the seventh floor of a high building, and are warmly welcomed. One of the deacons explains, that this office here is used for board meetings, counseling and other matters.

Brother Vin is praying for a special blessing on Brother Wycliff, and he thanks God for the wonderful time we’ve had because of the great sacrifice that has been made. And he mentions, that we are grateful that the Lord opened up strategic alliances and new spiritual frontiers, so that we can work together for the convention in West Kenya, which is coming up this weekend. The Lord oversees everything, so the Kingdom of God could be advanced, and the Name of the Lord could be glorified.










After singing a few songs of praise, Brother Wycliff tells us a little bit about the history how they found this office, and testifies that it is the Lord’s doing. He also mentions, that God answered their prayers, when they prayed, that the politicians at this time of election would hold their peace until the convention was over, and that He also stops the rain until we leave, because normally this time of the year they have lots of rain.

We receive some snacks, and honour Brother Aaron Williams for his 26. birthday today, and Brother Vin speaks so highly of him, about his commitment to the work, and that he is always the first pick, when they minister some other place. He doesn’t care about sleep when the work of the Lord comes around, and that he works quietly,  and never pushes himself to the front. He is a living  testimony, and godly example of what a believer stands for. He comes from such a wonderful family in the assembly, as they have shown their commitment and sacrifice. Brother Vin prays and thanks God for his life, and that he is planted by the rivers of water and it identifies him to be that specie. And that life would inspire the life of many others. He is highly esteemed in the labor of love.

Aaron responds, by saying, that he will never forget that he is in this place for his 26. birthday and wants to give back the gift, that God has given him.

While we are partaking of some snacks, another Brother gives the testimony that not only the Word has enlightened them but also the conduct and the commitment of the group.

Brother Paul Mburu from this local assembly here reports about his experiences in his missionary work in Ethiopia, that when he went there the first time there was no message group in this country with 100 million people, and they tried to share the Word with very hard hardened, traditional people, and many times they almost were thrown in prison.

To labor in Ethiopia is very different than in East Africa. Ethiopia is very conservative, and the people are hard to speak to. To be able to bring the Word to them is by the grace of God only. They speak to young people on the streets, and very few people speak English. A sister there is making a lot of contacts for them. And many young people embrace the reality of the Message. Before he became a Christian, Brother Paul himself was in drugs, and now he is mentoring young people, who are in that condition. He goes 7 or 8 times per year to Ethiopia.

The growth of small assemblies is not easy, but when they hold on to something that’s real, they stand radically for that. By now almost 100 people are baptized. A brother from Uganda is there right now full time. They go deep into the jungles where there is no civilization, and there are plenty rural communities. But when they once believe, they believe with all their hearts.





After being in Pastor Wycliffe’s office, we are invited to a Sisters home, which is located countryside Nairobi. We literally snailing through heavy traffic, but it gives the driver and Co-Pastor Brother John Kilonzo the opportunity to give us his testimony. He also tells us, that the church has 16 segments in different areas, where they have regular services during the week, and Fridays and Sundays all the believers meet in their church location. Many times they have been arrested because of what they were preaching.

In the early 90s they started to preach in the open fields, because preaching was not permitted. Then the City Council claimed that the open fields belong to them, and nobody was allowed to preach without having a PhD. Preaching was hard until they could stand without fear. The police was sent to arrest them, but God supernaturally turned things around and that’s how they got access for registration of a church. The name of the first church was The Endtime Believers, which they changed later to Third Exodus Pentecostal Assembly. God had opened the door through many obstacles. They had 200 believers in the beginning, and today the congregations grew to about 1400.

Another great highlight of this day is the invitation to Sister Fracier’s home, and she tells us that hospitality is her addiction and that she wants her home to be a home for believers. Brother Vin visited here already last year and she appreciates that we all are able to come today, so they could be blessed, and we could be a blessing to each other. And indeed, she and her faithful helpers are a real blessing to us and she reminds us of Sister Hattie Wright, because she expressed her heart’s desire, that God keeps her children close to Himself. We sense a godly atmosphere in this home and feel very welcome. Especially when Sister Fracier starts praying for everything and the food, that they so generously have provided. We could tell that she has spoken to God before.















What labor of love has gone into all this!

























At the end of this wonderful time of fellowship everybody has the opportunity to express their gratitude, and the sisters are presented with nice African fabrics. We are very blessed, spiritually and naturally.




It’s almost midnight when we leave, but not before we take a last photo…


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