HAITI – Day 9

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

Day 9


On The Road Again

Travelling back from Cape Haitian, it seems like a never ending drive today. Even the short stops in between don’t help, because the roads are extremely bumpy and dusty. After a few hours we feel like being through the ringer.







Therefore we really welcome the longer stop in the late afternoon right at the ocean side, where some brothers even take a little bath to refresh themselves. 

















The rest of us have truly wonderful fellowship in the Word and Brother Vin places the things we have seen and heard scripturally.

Then we have to continue the bumpy drive for a couple more hours, passing by some amazing market places again.









Meanwhile the sun goes down and we are still travelling. We stop at a grocery store to get some food for the evening dinner and when we arrive at the house, all the sisters join immediately as a team and chop, cut and cook for a quick dinner. Many times there is no electricity in the house, and even tonight we have to cook with he lights of some cellphones. 

Reflecting back it was worth it all, seeing those believers way up North and their enthusiasm and love for this Message. We were greatly impressed by the way they received us, how they conducted themselves  and to see the sacrificial love of God in Brother Bernard Jean-Mary for these precious believers. 

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