August 14, 2015 – Service Night – Day 4


August 14, 2015

The first ‘official’ service starts today at 6:30 p.m. The believers are renting a very nice hall in the exhibition centre of Vilnius to accommodate all the people who are expected to come.

Brother Daniel Bogushevich leads this amazing song service today. Most of the songs are in Russian, and like every country has its own character in music and rhythm, the Russian songs are for sure standing out when it comes to the expression and meaning; its a very rich language to begin with and the songs in this church are not melancholic and reserved like in the early days, but bold, outgoing and full of expression.

                                                                                                                                        Brother Pavel speaks about the Tree of Life, Psalms 1.Lithuania _20150811_073810

“We can partake of the Tree of Life today. We believe the Tree of Life is in our midst and we have access. When Brother Vin came to Alushta/Ukraine about 4 years ago, one brother caught the inspiration about going to Trinidad. Brother Vin invited us, many people could come and we went. In Trinidad there is a powerful oak tree and we wanted to sit in his shadow and learn from him. The whole Bible has become reality for us, and we can see how it has manifested in the individuals, in the families, and in the church. The church ages are no longer history for us, God is not interested in history. God began to reveal the church ages in our lives, nothing is new under the sun, and we know now how to fight the war. The Seals are not history anymore, we can see the manifestation of Christ in the Seals and it was for us. I am so glad that our eyes are anointed with eye salve. This Book has become a new Book. God has changed our lives.”

Brother Vin:
“We had a long journey, but we came a couple days earlier. It’s been 14 years that I was last in this country and I am very happy to come once again, knowing God gives you special friends to walk in this light together. We walk in this great walk with God in this hour and we have the privilege to recognize the sons and daughters of God, elected and called to be part of this great Rapture. It is something very precious.

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Seeing my old friends in the back, my driver in the old days, seen him on a video, Brother Andre. It brings joy in your heart. You esteem people highly. You appreciate them, respect them. We have come to know them in the faith, not after the flesh. We see their desires, their objectives, we see what they dedicate their lives to, the sacrifices they make, the love they have for the Lord Jesus and the prophet and that inspires us. I pray in my heart that the Lord blesses us together, that He would pour out His love amongst us, that He might meet the prayers in our lives, things we hold before Him. When we look at believers and see what lays in everyone, and we have so many under one roof, this expectation is stimulated, and its unlimited what God can do. May He lift our expectations for the things He has promised unto us in this hour.

May when these meetings are over, may we look back at the time we had and may we leave this place so inspired to walk in a clearer understanding. If we ask the right things, God will give them to us. We don’t just ask, but that our joys would be full. And I pray that He brings His presence so close that we may reach out and take the things, which He has promised us.

I am glad to be here among you, to meet some old friends and make some new friends. Today is also a special day for the servant of the Lord. I have my 64. Birthday in a couple of days, and he has his 33. wedding anniversary. May God give us the unspeakable gift, which is the Holy Spirit, He Himself.



Title: The Mystery Of Abel’s Lamb And Enoch’s Pyramid – Part 1

Genesis 3
14. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; he beguiled the woman upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:  from the most beautiful being, not only could he speak but he was discussing the Word of God with her. He was with Adam when God told him, not to eat from that tree; but Eve wasn’t there at that time.

15. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, God came down in investigation judgement, Adam and Eve were hiding because they were naked. They dressed with fig leaves, with own human efforts. He found them guilty and now He was executing His judgement. He weight them and found them all wanting. But two were his children, and one a creature from the animal kingdom – and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.  This is the first great promise and prophecy about the redeemer. 16. Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.  The serpent, Adam and Eve were standing in the court of the supreme judge. They were guilty of criminal offence. He is judicially handing down the sentence.

17. And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;  18. Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;  it was evening time. The church was in a Laodicean condition, a deceived church, the man followed the woman. 19. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: he is talking to the terrestrial man there for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.  20. And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.  21. Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.  22. And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: it was necessary for redemption to know good and evil, because God’s purpose is redemption. It’s not redemption for creation, but it is creation for redemption – lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:  23. Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.  He is going out now without the title deed, forfeited his rights, eternal life, a fallen son, and satan couldn’t take the title deed. He didn’t have the spoken Word. The Children came by sex, and going back to dust. 24. So he drove out the man; and he placed – placed means in the Hebrew ‘Shekinah.’ God, the logos had come down, then placed, it means to dwell, setting up something in the East of the Garden of Eden – Cherubims, and a flaming sword that pillar of firewhich turned every way, to keep to guard, to protect the way of the tree of life. The Tree of Life was sealed up by the four Cherubim, and man was driven out from the garden.

He said ‘Behold, the man has become as one of us.’ Sin had started in heaven, not on the earth. Lucifer in heaven at the right hand of Michael, was a great anointed Cherubim, so beautiful. He did in heaven what the serpent did on earth. God was God of Heaven, Adam god of the earth. God had a kingdom in Heaven, and God’s son was an amateur god. When God made man, His name changed from Elohim, the self-existing One to Jehovah, He who now exists with His family. God made a little one like Himself, He made a man in His own image and likeness. And here now we see this great fall taking place.

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Did God know a fall is going to happen? It didn’t catch God by surprise. How come the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world? How come the names were put in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world? The Bible says in Hebrews 4:2 God’s works were finished before the foundation of the world. How could the works be finished before the foundation of the world? Because there was no heaven, no earth and His works were finished before heaven and earth were founded. It was settled in His mind. God is infinite; He knows all things, He is omniscient, He is infinite. He knows all things. There isn’t anything that He doesn’t know. It means, He has to know the beginning before the end. If He knows all things, He cannot learn anything. Because if He can learn things, then He doesn’t know all things; then He is subject to error like you and me, then He cannot be God. But He cannot learn anything. Everything God desires, He has a purpose and a plan to what He will achieve His purpose. The purpose was to make Himself known. He wants to share His life. He is a healer, but there were no sick people. He is a saviour, but nobody was lost. He is Jehovah Nissi, the Lord, our banner, but there was no enemy to destroy. As Elohim, the self-existing One, all His thoughts were settled. It was so settled that the Lamb was slain in the thoughts of God, and all the names were put in the Lamb’s Book of Life, all who would have part in the first resurrection. It means to say, those names were in the Book before the foundation of the world. He knew how you would look like, before He created your spiritual body, your theophany. Before He brought your terrestrial body, He knew already how you look like, what family He would choose to bring you from, your colour, your language, what gifts and what equipment He would put in your life for service. He designed everybody; He already knew every animal, which He was going to make, every tree, every flower.

He knew from the ant to the elephant every creature, before He created them. He knew what wisdom to put in the ant, that she would know when to gather food for the winter and store it up, give her such qualities, that Solomon said, ‘Consider the ways of the ant,’ so small, but so full of mysteries. He was going to make the eagle, and give him special vision and wisdom to fly high, when there was not any of them. Everything was stored in the great library in the back part of His mind. When there was not even an atom or molecule, He knew He would give the Cherubims faces; one like a lion, one like an ox, one like a man, one like an eagle. He knew He was going to give the Seraphim six wings. He had a plan for everything. He knew He was going to have a son and a daughter. He had a special plan for the earth among the trillions of stars and He would put all these mysteries of botany life, bird life, marine life there, and then express His own life in a son and in a daughter. He had planned all this when He was by Himself.

He would put his mystery in the Pleiades, in Orion; He had His messengers, His seven stars. He knew He was going to write His first Bible in the stars, before there was anything. He had it all planned out. And when Elohim sat down with all of that, nothing was yet created, He changed His form to Melchizedek, became Spirit. From the fountain of seven spirits, from the great rainbow He was coming down in the form of a man, Melchizedek, without beginning and ending of life. From King Spirit, King Word He was going to speak and bring His thoughts to expression. And when He speaks it, it must be manifested; from thought to Word to manifestation.

He was creating now the heavens; it takes three heavens to make the heavens. In the first heaven He was going to put the clouds, in the second heaven the galaxies, the solar system. everything in shadows; the first heaven for hawks, eagles, ducks, and all kinds of singing birds because they signify something. On earth He made trees, fishes, rainbow trouts in the water, which represent men, the stars represent men, the trees represent men.  He is the bright and Morning Star, the Tree of Life, mysteries of Himself among His creation. The Lamb was slain in His thoughts, now He was creating, and when He was creating, He started with virgo, a woman, having an immaculate conception ‘A virgin shall conceive and bring forth a man child. His Name shall be called Emmanuel,’ but there was no fall yet.

He made female and male, but when He made the man, He kept the female unexpressed. And He said six times ’It is good,’ but at the seventh time, He said ‘It is not good that the man should be alone.’ Is He trying to unfold something? Is He trying to tell us, He has attributes, and that He wants to make Himself known, that He has angels, Seraphim, Cherubim, a first heaven, a second heaven, a third heaven. He had attributes that He wanted to express. Does He just want us to sing ‘Thou hast created all things’ or ‘What a mighty creator we have?’ He was thinking something deeper than that. He is a healer, saviour, redeemer; He wants to express this. He wants to show to His children His power. He wants to display His motives and objectives, so they could see what a wonderful person He is. How He can be so great, that He could be so humble, that He could come down on the earth, let them spit on Him, stripped Him naked and humiliate Him. What is His plan? What kind of person is this? As Elohim, nobody could spit on Him, nobody could kick him. As Melchizedek, nobody could humiliate Him. Why does He want to be humiliated, what does He want to achieve, why does He want to be wounded for our transgressions?

Lithuania _20150815_032442With all His wisdom, He couldn’t think of another way. He wanted to show that He could suffer for them. He wanted to show, He would do anything for them. What does He want them to convince of, to influence them, that they could see, that He would do that for them? Why did He give us free moral agency? He wants to show something about Himself. He wants to make Himself known, He wants to be understood, He wants to make us a little one like Him, He doesn’t want to keep His power for Himself. He wanted His son now in 1963 to speak and calm the storm; back there at the Sea of Galilee He spoke and did it. He always wanted to have a little one like Himself. He said ‘You speak’ and the son said ‘Storm go back from where you came from, let the sun shine…’ and the storm began to go. This God is great. This great ancient person, trillions of years ago, when He created heavens and earth, period. This God came down in 1963, this God is in this meeting tonight. He gives me inspiration to speak His Word in a certain way so you can see His purpose in your life, why He put something in you to recognize your day and message, why He made you this way? What have you done? The Bible says, that why you were still sinners, enemies of God, with a nature that is in enmity to God, with a carnal mind. With our best ability we cannot meet God’s Word and please Him. While we were enemies, Christ died for us, not when we were good. Is He preparing us for something? Is this to filter our thinking? Faith works by love, and His love is not parental care for a baby. His love is elective. The purpose of God is according to election. ‘Jacob have I loved.’ Jesus said ‘You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you.’ He is bringing us into a condition, that we can have rest and peace. We can see He choose us unto redemption, unto glorification. He foreknew us. How far did He foreknow us? In Jeremiah ‘Before You were even formed in your mothers womb.’ If you ever had eternal life, you were always part of God. God in His Word, He is revealing Himself, Elohim, that was not the Lamb that was slain, that was the eternal Spirit. Elohim wouldn’t bleed. Melchizedek, He is word. As Elohim and Melchizedek, He didn’t become man yet in flesh. He is moving towards becoming Jesus. As Jesus, we will begin to understand His purpose. We begin to understand His sovereignty, how He choose us. He made all the trees and fishes before He brought Adam. Adam was the last creation, and he fell.

His love is unconditional. ‘If you bring My whole creation into death by your self will, what would I do with you?’ He didn’t condemn but He said ‘I will come and die, I want fellowship with you, I want you to have confidence.’ How could He love a prophet, who had such a temper? How could He love him? When God chastened Him for his disobedience, because he was listening to his mother-in-law, then he wanted to electrocute himself, then to shoot himself, how could have God patience for a man like that? God gave him vision, appearing to him, speaking great things to him, put the King’s sword in his hand. And He had so much patience with him in his life. And God was running down the man, and like a father with a son ‘Look a mountain range, when I was creating the earth, billions of years ago, I knew you were coming, I knew this time of your life, and I was going to pass you here. See, here is your name, how many letters are in your name? Seven, how many peaks? I made them for you millions of years ago.’ What kind of God is this?

When he saw the squirrels, he came out and said ‘visions don’t bleed. I created them, and I ate them. ‘And after all these things, you do like Moses, you lost the feeling for the people,’ such a humble prophet, came to the church and speaks, ‘Standing in the gap,’ made the confession to the world and put it on tape. He didn’t hide. He realized God is long suffering, love doesn’t behave itself unseemingly, love is slow to anger. As God loved you, so love one another.

Wanted to shoot others, then himself, and then he gets a call from a brother in urgent need, and as a game warden, he had his gun in the truck, and he remembered to go through this man’s farm to get quicker to the brother. He parked the truck, and went into the farm. God is so gracious, He made him forget the gun. In the middle of the farm, he met the bull, the farmer had him fenced it; the bull had killed a man before, but he is a good breeding stock and the bull sees this invader in his territory, and the bull didn’t like that. The bull started like this to snoot, and to charge him, and when he saw the bull, he remembered ‘Oh my God, this is the killer bull, where is my gun? I am a great shot, I drop him dead, because I am strong when I have the gun.’ God doesn’t let us have our way all the time, because God has greats things for us. And He said ‘Today I take away your dependancy on your gun.’

May be you have something you depend on. May be its your education, a certain attitude, a certain aggression, but God doesn’t let us have our way all the time.

He looked for a tree to run, no tree. He couldn’t do a thing. No gun, no tree, and the bull is upon him. He said, ‘I don’t want to die like a coward.’ He is trying to boost himself up with human ability, to encourage himself. The bull had him measured, no way to run. And all of a sudden, God decides to open His great arsenal, because this was the day, God had planned the test and bring him into the knowledge of weapons that are not carnal, but to bring him into contact with something that science cannot produce. Divine love is coming down in grace, forgiveness, as the Spirit comes upon him. In his own spirit, he wanted the gun, he couldn’t run, but when God’s Spirit came, he got humble; he sees a different picture. If God’s Spirit really comes upon us, we see a different picture, then we understand the message in a different light. The message brings us into union with God, living under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. When the bull came, he realized that he went into the bulls territory, and he began to realize, he invaded the territory, he realized, he didn’t even ask for permission, he was using somebody elses property for his own purpose and all of a sudden, when he sees the picture, he apologizes, because he realized that he came unannounced. ‘But God, our creator, kept me from doing you harm, because you are in justice. Please forgive me, I am sorry, this will never happen again. ‘And the bull looked at him, shook his head to say ‘Apology accepted, go your way in peace.’ And then he went and laid down, and he began to realize ‘Lord, you planned this in my life, to show the things inside of me, to show me, that if somebody runs through my house, I wouldn’t like that, but I was doing that to this bull.‘ And he began to form an understanding; he begins to find something more powerful than a gun. Divine love is the greatest power there is.

We can see the same message in a different angle, not from a doctrinal level, not ‘we believe that.’ I want to bring you to a place, to watch how God took the first son, how God taught him, how God brings his example, how he understood things in his life, how a man came back to life in God’s provided way, to know that there is a way that seemeth right to a man, but its death. But Jesus said ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ Without the way there is no going, without the truth there is no knowing and without the life there is no living.The way is seven steps, it’s seven voices, the life is seven virtues. The whole plan of redemption laid in Jesus and He is the Head of a new creation and the spoken Word is the original Seed, by which sons and daughters are born again and become a new creation; sons and daughters in His image and likeness. God is opening a mystery to us. We are not filled with a superior complex. We display His DNA, God is identified by His own characteristics, and His characteristics is His children. Except the corn of wheat falls in the ground and dies, it abides alone. And Jesus said ‘I am the corn of wheat, and when I fall in the ground and die, many Jesusses will come.’

Without this great revelation, that God planned the fall, because God said ‘This fall has to take place…’ The Lamb was already slain in His mind. The names of the elect were already written in the Book, and God made the woman a byproduct. When God was taking material to make the woman. this now is for all husbands and wives who are called to reflect the mystery of Christ and the church. This same God that built the universe, who made this beautiful creation, was going to make a specie like no other specie. There is no specie in the universe like a woman. She is the one who is going to make God a redeemer. She is the one going to bring forth the Word. She was the one who fell, and the man, the head of the woman, he wilfully went there, because his love for her was more than all the riches, power, authority; he was willing to go and pick up ax and shovel and leave all of this to save her. And he was reflecting Christ, who was leaving all of this to save you and me. God was displaying the value we are to Him. When you see how much He loves you and the value, He puts on you. When we see this, the prophet said, ‘If I had a million lives, I would give them all to Him.’ He began to see, He is not a big angry God, not eros love, but Divine Love. God is love.

What is so special about Abel? The first revelation given to a man, a fallen men, Adam, he made aprons and fig leaves. He fell so quick. Adam was the first tailor and Eve the first seamstress. They had the first garment industry, the first unisex clothing. Clothing was not for the weather or fashion. The first time clothing appears in the Bible, when Adam and Eve wanted to cover their nakedness, because they lost their glory. While they were waiting there and realized, it was time going to church, they said ‘ Let us make aprons.’ They didn’t make something to cover their mouth. The place where the crime was committed was the place they were trying to cover. And when God came, the place they covered, God put the judgement. The judgement covered the crime. And when they came out and thought they were dressed, when God came down, they started to run and they went among the fig trees, they camouflaged like Zachaeus. ‘Adam, hath thou eaten from the Tree? He passed the blame on right away. He said ‘The woman, you gave me.’ Then He went to her, she said ‘The serpent beguiled me.’ They were passing the blame, they had become so weak, and God looked at them, and God ripped off the fig leaves. It was not for fashion, it was their own remedy to cover their own condition. But without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sin. When God came down, the first thing, He went for a lamb. Why? The Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. The redeemer was called the Lamb of God. So God in His creation, took a creature that would symbolize Him. Upon that beast all their iniquities would be laid. That beast died speaking in unknown tongues and the blood splattered on them. They got a covering with a promise of redemption.

Before the fall they were naked of physical clothing and not ashamed. There was a glory, but when they broke the Word, that Spirit left them and then with human wisdom they manufactured a substitute. God killed the lamb, and through the death of a slain lamb, that they were identified with, the innocence of that lamb came upon them, and God couldn’t kill them. The lamb took their judgment, so they could go free. And they got a covering through the death of a slain lamb. On Calvary, the Lamb died and the life of the Lamb came back on the people.

God is giving this mystery in Genesis 4. Abel and Cain are coming to worship. Adam and Eve never offered, God offered for them. Then Cain was bringing fruits, and Abel was bringing a lamb, a slain lamb. He was moving into a channel; he was catching God’s thoughts, he entered in God’s mystery. He was understanding, he was not a man created by God, he was a different specie; a man born by a woman.

First He made the spirit man, then he formed the outward man from the dust of the earth, the terrestrial body. The celestial body, the attribute of God now came into flesh. God created man, then man born of a woman, all of them, men born of a woman, are of few days and full of trouble. Men are coming by sex, the animal law of reproduction, man being born into the animal kingdom, outside the Kingdom of God, and man who need a new birth to take him out of the animal realm to bring him back into the Kingdom of God. He is a higher form of animal, he needs a new birth to get back into the Kingdom. He is higher than the serpent there. He could build airplanes, but he is blind to God’s mystery. With all that education, he can’t see the creator, nor the Word in his life, yet he is religious; he wants something to worship.

Abel, the attribute of God, he saw his father and mother wearing lamb skins. He was a shepherd, he knew it took a lamb to die. He knew something was wrong, he began to catch the mystery and he is going with the lamb to offer it. Cain only had religion, he was going to worship how he wanted to. Nobody was going to tell him what to do. He didn’t see purpose. God didn’t accept it. He wanted God to accept a church life. God wouldn’t accept it, God refused it, but God rich in mercy said ‘Do like your brother.’ But he said ‘I go to church but I am not being in submission; I have plans, ambitions. I want to build a city, and I am going to make this earth a better place.’ He had all of this already in him. But Abel said ‘I want to know this God, my father used to fellowship with.’ That God has come down in this day at evening time and spoke to the prophet ‘Would you take a walk with Me?’ He said ‘I want to do this.’ He went into virgin timber, where the animals began to come around him. He went into a vision, he saw himself young, and it was his anniversary, and he began to pray, the spoken Word, power over the elements, man in union, bridegroom and bride, walking in the woods, everything is there again.’ This is the messenger we had. To walk in this reality and to see this revival, that God is giving us, we want this. This is the hour for it. God brings us in the spirit of fellowship. The same Word we know, we read, but He is presenting it to us in a way which is relevant to us, that it could become real in our lives. He opened these mysteries; He left the footprints, He revealed to us the fellowship with God. That is the fellowship, where God moves His elect in this place.

This was to show, that the fall was planned. God planned your life, and He wants to bring us into a place. We had no choice which colour, which race, which age you want be born, no choice, tall or short. Why didn’t He give us a choice? He is the potter and He designed every vessel. It’s not about us, but all about Him. He wants to come and break the Seals of the book of your life and show you why He choose you before the foundation of the world. ‘I am the author, and the finisher. I will glorify My Name in you, and everything I say I would do, I will do it in you.’

The angels are not heirs of nothing. You are heirs. Speak, Queen Esther, to the half of the Kingdom. What you say, I will perform. We have the opportunity to draw close to Him. He will teach us how to lay aside the things, that seem so hard to lay aside. He gives us wisdom to make hard things easy.


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