December 31st, 2017


Masuva Ose Makatendeka Jesu – Every Day, Every Hour, You Are Faithful, Oh Lord!

This is the last day of the year and we are very excited that we have two services today.

It’s really hard to believe that the year has come to an end with such rapidity, and we are thankful for the prayers of the saints, that through it all the Lord has kept us so faithfully.


Brother Rodney introduces all the singers by name, and he tells us that the people have fasted and prayed, and God saw it fit to answer their prayers and sent His blessings in advance.


It’s like coming home to a family here; it’s not like being in a convention mood. We are happy to honour the Lord, and to know that He uses our lives in His service, to live for His honour and glory, to be real reflectors of this great Light that has come to us.

The songs we hear today are all about our theophanies and the rapture.








It’s the third time since 2011 that Brother Vin is here in Durban, and he is preaching – the first time in all these weeks without an interpreter – and he says, that we are in the fourth rapture, and it’s unfolding. Enoch was the seventh from the first Adam, and he went up as the first at the end of that time, when the cup of iniquity had been filled up. God was showing what was coming in the last days: a people – the seventh from the second Adam – would be taken out. Then Elijah came, when Ahab and Jezebel were in union, they had a conspiracy to steel Naboth’s vineyard, they killed to possess, but Elijah knew that the hour had come that God would take him up. Elijah is a type of the translated saints, Moses is a type of the resurrected saints.

And God was showing that there will be definitely a day when a people would be taken out without seeing death.

Then Jesus came, the ministry of the Son of Man; He went to paradise, took a people out, those that had overcome and had fallen asleep, but they all were looking for that resurrection.

We had a prophet like Moses, who took us out of the systems, a Joshua, to bring us into the Land of the Fathers, and then we come into the Book of Judges, where everybody was doing what was right in their own eyes. So many are leaning on their own understanding and knoweth it not. But there is an elected people, they are aligned and they are hearing from another world. The elect have representation. Only the elect are the ones who can be born again, in none-seed there is nothing to be quickened. This is the age of personal life. In this hour we need to walk with God close. As many that are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

The bride wants nothing but reality, because she is part of It. Water baptism puts you in a local church, but Spirit baptism puts you in the Body of Christ.

It’s not to recognize somebody else’s position, but your own position. The Holy Ghost must show us our name in the Book. God didn’t call anybody to be a church member. Make your election and calling sure! Let God filter your thinking! Everybody is called different, anointed different, has a different nature.

The message has come for preparation. The shout gathered the bride and seven thunders show us how to prepare for great translation faith.


Feeling The Strange Call To Go To That Great Eden.
What Conditions The Church Will Have To Be In For The Rapture.


Scripture Exodus 23:20 (Brother Branham calls this one of his favorite Scriptures).

Believers should look for visitations, there is a portion of Word left back for you to fulfill.

There are conditions required to go in the rapture.

You have to know how to prepare for great translation faith! Only born-again, Spirit-filled people have a theophany.














These are just short excerpts of today’s incredible services, and we don’t take it for granted to hear such a powerful Word, that is changing us from glory unto glory, until we stand in His perfect image. What a consolation at the end of 2017, to know that we are leaving satan’s eden shortly to be with our Lord Jesus Christ for all Eternity!


We have a very short lunch break with a lot of delicious food, that the believers here so lovingly have prepared for us!


Brother Vin continues the Afternoon Service with the title:

Have You Heard From Your Theophany?

Scripture: John 14

“Jesus is opening up something here that is in no other gospel. He shows that He has made the way for us to come back to our Father’s House. Because Jesus is the way, He was the Word made flesh, the fullness of the Godhead bodily, veiled in human flesh… everybody else born by sex is not the way.

The fall was necessary for the plan of God. The Lamb was slain in the mind of God and the names of the redeemed were put in the Lambs Book of Life before the foundation of the world. There is nothing else written from before the foundation of the world.

He was the Self Existing One before the foundation of the world, and His works were already finished then.

In John 1, John brings creation, and before He made anything, the Word was with Him. John takes us before the beginning, that Moses is speaking about. When God is speaking, He is speaking what He has thought about, what He has determined in His mind to speak. God is the source of all wisdom. He knows what He wants to do, and until He begins to speak it, it cannot be expressed.

John 1 is showing us something before creation, when God had His thoughts. From Elohim His works were finished. When He changed His form and came in the body-shape of a man, in a theophany as Melchizedek, in that form He spoke everything, He created it all. When He created the earth, He knew the size, distance, every seed, everything. And He spoke and His Word came into existence.





Creation is for redemption, not redemption for creation. Redemption is a greater work than creation!


God saw Himself in flesh first before He saw Himself in theophany. He wanted to share His life, He wanted to be understood. Even lucifer, he made him in the angelic creation, but not with eternal life. He made him that he could fall. If you miss this, you miss the purpose.

The woman’s Seed shall bruise the serpents head; that was the first prophecy pertaining to redemption in the Bible, and every prophet that came is speaking out of that original prophecy.


The serpent seed made a way for the virgin birth, the virgin birth made a way for the new creation, and the new creation made a way for the new birth, and the new birth makes a way for the theophany and the theophany makes a way for the glorified body. God saw you already in glorification. Romans 8:30




This last day’s Message is the true revelation of God to raise up a people, a super race, coming by the spoken Word. This is what the original plan was. He purposed that from the beginning.  Everyone who was in God’s loins comes to a new birth. And it’s the soul, expressed in flesh, the Word manifested in this day to fulfill the Scripture.

When the Book is open, we are finding our lives in there. Whatever you have gone through, are going through at present and will go through in the future, is already written in this Book. This is the Book of Life.

You have your pre-existence, your earthly journey and your eternal destination. We have come to a knowing, we have come from a partial realization to a perfect realization, that brings us into faith. We see ourselves from God’s view. Enoch knew when he was going up, Elijah knew when he was going up, Jesus knew when He was going up, Elijah and Moses will know when they go up. All of them knew, when they were going. You will know, too. Even when the saints raise, they appear to us first. People don’t know the modern events, they don’t know what really happened during the last 52 years.

God is moving His people, He sends you where He wants and He is not bound by any transportation system.

The bride is not called for church attendance, but to fulfill the Word.

Everybody’s life is pre-planned. Gods eternal purpose for your life is stronger than your own will. You are not here by chance. You have to manifest Scriptures; they are put there to reveal you to you. You have to know the mystery of your life in the Book.

Recognizing your position brings perfect faith.

A child was once in the loins of the father, and it left the loins of the father and was developed in that dark world of the mother’s womb. It exits that world by water, blood and spirit, and is born in the house of the father, and finds that all preparations have been made there for his arrival. And when the father looks, he is in the image of the father.

So it’s in the spiritual; God is making preparations for your arrival.

Things that are to be – 65-1205
Oh, little children, do you feel the need of that vitamin tonight, that something… There’s a body waiting yonder; there’s a body waiting to be received. People, don’t be deceived. Don’t be deceived. The devil is a deceiver. Even the–the wedding garment, you must wear it. It must be. Now, we’re at the evening time. The earthly body is now ready to be dissolved, and we’re preparing to enter in into the heavenly. And we now feel the strange call of God to go to this great Eden. And before we could be born here, our little bodies cried for something that–that had to be provided or we’d be an afflicted child here if we wasn’t. God has no afflictions up there. They’re every one perfectly lined up, the Bride, just exactly like the Groom was: the Word manifested in It’s season. God grant tonight, children, each and every one of you. There is a heaven to go to; there’s a hell to stay away from.”

God Saw Himself In Flesh…


After the service a lot of photos are taken and then we proceed to our designated homes; usually we would have a Watch-night service at the last day of the year, but because of the transport situation at night in this area the services are scheduled to end while it’s still light.















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