DAY 18 – Nairobi/Kenya

December 17th, 2017


There is not an inch to move in the building this morning;  more than 1400 people attending the service today. The expectations are high and the atmosphere is loaded with faith, worship and praise!



God is dwelling in the praises of His people.



Brother Vin asked Pastor Pumzile from Queenstown/South Africa to take his place this morning, and we know, we will be tremendously blessed, because the promise is true, that where two or three are gathered, God is in our midst. Great faith is in the building this morning and God knows what it takes to satisfy this thirst, to walk closer with Him. Brother Martin Muli is interpreting.


We are going back to a faith civilization, we are a privileged people, a special people, a chosen generation. It has been made clear in these meetings, what kind of people we are and what God has in mind for us. We have come to the realization that we are the living descendants of the Lord. While we are dining in this feast, spiritual food, a seven course meal, Jesus has a table spread by the opening of the seven seals, so we can feast on this and come into His image.



We are looking at things seen, so we can understand the things unseen. The world has weapons capable of mass destruction, they are equipped for every situation. But we have been handed down an F 17, it comes from 1. Kings 17, when It first made It’s appearance. And in that time Jezebel was on the scene, taking control of things. Then God introduced His aircraft. It was trouble to Jezebel, but It fought the battles of God while they were getting the whole world under false religion. It was equipped to rescue the elect and turn their hearts back to the hearts of the fathers.

The Scripture reading is from Romans 8:28-30. If we miss God’s purpose in our lives, then we miss everything. Here is a small excerpt from Brother Pumzile’s wonderful message:


The Work Of The Holy Spirit

“God’s works are a finished work; when He had them in His mind, they were already finished. And then He expressed them in His Word, because the Word is a thought expressed. When God has sent His Word unto us, He has a work that He wants to accomplish in our lives. God doesn’t work outside His Word, and He works by His Word, and this is the only provided way. We live in the most glorious hour, when God is determined to finish His work.

By Genesis 1 we are learning, that God is using nature to teach us, He is hiding His law in nature. The Book of Genesis is the Seed chapter of the Bible. A seed is such a small thing, but it contains everything that it has to manifest in its life time. When it finds the right atmosphere, the right amount of moisture, there is a law and power inside that seed, and if it’s a germinated seed, those laws will go to operation, it can transform itself, it’s going from seed form to plant form, its going through a metamorphosis. We are called the Seed of God, and if you can see this example, you can begin to understand something about yourself, something that God has made you. You are not this body, you are a Seed of God planted in this body.”


Brother Pumzile lays out, that after God created everything,  the deformer had come to deform. And then God came on the scene and moved on the waters, and that was the first move of God, and it was by God’s Spirit, and His original move will be always the same. It will be by His Spirit. God wanted to restore the earth to the form He had in His mind. As the great Spirit, He took an invisible platform and became the invisible preacher, because He had a work to do, and He does it by His Word.


From this invisible platform He began to give out His Word. He wanted light, so He said, Let there be light. Nature heard the Word of God, and submitted to the Word of God, and light came forth. Nature was kind of an assembly that was there. Whatever He wanted, He gave His Word. And then He made His first son Adam in His image, and whatever had to be done, He handed the rest over to him, and He went to rest. And He gave him the family album, it was now upon his shoulders to bring all of them on the face of the earth. So, He when He comes at the end time, He is only going to do a portion of the work, until there is somebody on the earth, who has His image and likeness, because when that comes forth, then He can hand over the rest of the work. He gave Adam a bride to reproduce…. so God’s idea of the church was not to have churchianity. His original idea was so that there can be a reproduction of His sons. He has never changed His mind about it. So Adam took the book, his church was next to him. He had the responsibility to bring forth those people, that were in the Book. They were left in a period of temptation, because they were not told how. They only had the responsibility to replenish and to bring forth, but He didn’t tell them how. He as the Father and they as the children, He was expecting them to be obedient and wait on the Father to tell them how.

It’s always the challenging period, when God gives you a responsibility to do a work, and He doesn’t tell you how. If we are learning, He is expecting us to wait on Him. In that waiting period the deformer came to work again, because he didn’t like this image, this beautiful family that God had on the face of the earth. So he came to introduce the animal way of reproduction, and Adam knew exactly what he did, when he forfeited the responsibility, and that Book left him, before he even could bring one son by the spoken Word.








That family album couldn’t land in the hand of the deformer, because if he would get his hands on that Book, he would do great damage. So God took the Book and sealed it until the day of redemption. Adam was only a figure of Him that was to come. So, when Jesus came, He came to correct Adam’s error, to pay the price for Adam’s fall, He came as the second Adam. and He had to walk in perfect harmony with the Father.


Brother Pumzile ends with a quote from the Message Stature of a perfect man – 62-1014M
We’re not building an organization. I’m not here this morning to build an organization. Christ never sent me to build an organization. Christ sent me to build individuals to the statue of Jesus Christ that they might be the power house…?… dwelling place of His Spirit by His Word (Uh-huh.)–by His Word. See? Build up the individual to that place, not build an organization to a greater denomination, but build the individual to sons and daughters of God. That’s the idea.See, add to your faith virtue; to your virtue, add knowledge. Well, now, you’re coming to a place.


Brother Wycliff: Why does He call a Bride in this most evil age? To tell satan, this Bride is not like Eve. I can put before her all the false preachers, let them quote, they only have the Word in the Book, but the Word is in the Bride.



After this incredible lay-out of the plan of redemption, such rich spiritual food in due season, we are heading for a short lunch break to Brother Masinde’s Restaurant, where we receive also some rich natural food, fresh juices – especially the favorite of all is the ginger/cane juice. And we are just finding out, that it’s the birthday of Rebekah, the wife of Brother Andrew Makokha, our faithful helper in Christ through all our East African journey; and it gives us the opportunity to honor her in song and prayer.



Several cars hurry us back to the hall, where we will receive another portion. The SONlight is so strong these days, that it burns out everything that is not of HIM, and we so appreciate the Lord for His grace, to bring us into the Stature of a perfect man.

At first all pastors from Uganda, Tanzania, Congo, Zimbabwe, Zambia and from the Nairobi area with parts of their churches are introduced. Some of the ministers speak and express their joy, and different testimonies were given, that after the meetings in Kigali and also in Bukavu many things were restored. For example,  believers, who for whatever reason didn’t associate together, were shaking hands again. It might seem to be such a small thing, but in the unseen it’s a great thing, because we know, when we get in harmony and unity with each other, then God can do great things.

Also the entire convention committee is introduced including deacons, trustees and all that are involved to keep the convention in order. And we are very impressed with the preciseness and love of how these meetings are carried out. God loves order.


At this point I want to especially mention Brother Andrew Makokha, who helped us in every way from the first day of our journey here through the different parts of Africa. He organizes and manages whatever is necessary for our trip to run smoothly, and it is very much appreciated. It’s certainly not easy to take care of a group of 26 people.

Brother Vin refers to the service this morning and expresses his joy, to see young men like Brother Pumzile raise up in this hour with such a clear vision.

And again, here is a very small excerpt from this message from tonight, because it’s not easy to capture the essence of such  deep and tremendous services in just a few lines. And this pertains to all services! The title this afternoon is:

Have You Heard From Your Theophany? with the subject: Reuniting With Our Theophanies Under The Seventh Seal

“This is uniting time and sign, the invisible union of the earthly bride and the Heavenly Bridegroom. That Head had a predestinated family on earth, because part of the family is in already Heaven. Seven messengers and seven groups of overcomers are already in their theophanies;  nobody in a terrestrial body can be there. That House is made without hands, eternal in the Heavens, celestial Bodies. We are still here in time, we see 7.5 billion people in terrestrial bodies, trapped in time. And He has quickened and raised us up, and brings us in union, walking with God like Enoch, and he moved from the realm of  human beings into the immortal.

The devil doesn’t fight the six seals, but he fights the Seventh Seal.

Matthew 18:10 – 14 How did Jesus know they have angels in Heaven? He didn’t come by sex, He was God in theophany, Melchizedek, the Word became flesh. These little ones were born by sex, because there is only one way to come in these three dimensions. Before you were in your mother’s womb, you were in seed form in your father’s loins. But to fellowship with your father, you depart from your mother’s womb through water, blood and spirit. God guided millions of sperms to bring you forth, what was God doing? Making a shadow of a greater reality, so the things that are unseen are understood by the things that are seen. By the sex birth the little ones got disconnected from their angel. It will take a new  birth to reconnect them and restoring them back. Eve went away from the original Word by a false interpretation. Adam was not deceived, but he went with his wife, because he would have been incomplete without his wife. So is God incomplete without His Bride.








The redeemer needs something to redeem, and the restorer needs something to restore. If God didn’t become flesh and come to die, there would be no way for us to go back. He cannot unite a carnal flesh man with an angel, because the carnal sex birth puts them into a nature that is enmity to God. But through the new birth they come back in harmony, and it’s impossible that one of them could be lost.


We never knew we had more than one body. Your father and mother could produce this body, but not the soul. The soul is the real you! There are souls that are unconverted, they have nothing to believe. When there is death to the body, the grave follows. What follows the death of the soul? The lake of fire. But he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. Real believers have only one death, that’s the death of the body. Seven messenger went to Heaven by the way of the grave, they had a death to the body, and they left their bodies on the earth. But when this body was dissolved, they had another one waiting; a House made without hands, eternal in the Heavens.

Going in the Rapture is to change dimensions. Only those who are changed in their body could change dimensions,  and to be changed in your body only those who are truly changed in their souls will be changed in their bodies. And to be changed in your soul it needs the right atmosphere to bring a birth. If you have a critical atmosphere, that can’t be in a birth. It takes a supernatural atmosphere to bring a supernatural birth. You cannot just walk on a plane, it has requirements. You have to have reservation. If you cannot make it through security and have no passport, you will not make it to the flight.

Sharp things can’t go, explosive things can’t go, you have a sharp tongue, explosive temper, you will put the lives of others at risk on this flight. No unconverted person goes there, no justified and sanctified person goes there, no, your name must be on the reservation to make your flight manifest. When you get there, and they pull out the list, and if they cannot find your name, may be you are not on this flight, but on the next for the second resurrection. The ones on this flight have to have the Holy Ghost, have to see their names in the Book; it has requirements to be met. Only the redeemed have access.

It is high time that we wake out of sleep, it is nearer than when we first believed.


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